Use God.
Six hexagrams, there are six parents, six parents share, and each has its own use. The world should be a palace to judge things, and judge things with God.
Parents: When you ask about your parents, you should regard them as gods in divination. All relatives, uncles, teachers, parents-in-law, wet nurses, godfathers or servants above my parents regard their parents as gods. It is also a measure of the world, city walls, houses, houses, boats, clothes, rain gear, teachings, cloth, cultural performances, articles, libraries, deeds, documents, stocks, various certificates, marriage certificates and so on. Can regard their parents as gods.
Official ghosts: officials and ghosts are regarded as gods in measuring fame, seeking official posts, seeking work, seeking career, seeking politics, seeking fame, seeking thunder, seeking ghosts and gods, seeking women's marriage and seeking wives and husbands. We also regard officials and ghosts as gods, and detect disorderly officials, thieves, worship of evil gods, troubles, diseases and corpses.
Brothers and sisters: Whenever you ask brothers and sisters, cousins, sworn brothers, peers, friends, etc. You always regard your brothers and sisters as your gods.
Wife's wealth: all wives, brothers, sisters-in-law, maids and servants regard their wives' wealth as their gods to measure goods and treasures, gold and silver warehouses, money and food, and all the articles and utensils used. You can also use your wife's wealth.
Descendants: All children are called descendants, such as sons-in-law, nephews, nephews, apprentices, servants, loyal ministers, good generals, medical doctors, monks and monks, and soldiers. They all regard descendants as gods and judge six animals as descendants, and descendants are blessed by this god.
Everything is auspicious, but it is unlucky to seek official position, fame and marriage proposal.
It is not fierce to push prisoners out of the palace with guns, but it is more important to help the poor and always discipline and do things.
At first, every rush is not empty, only static and empty, and when it comes to grams, it is empty. It is forbidden for god to be happy for luck, and it is not empty to use it with the original god. Plant trees in spring, summer and autumn. When it comes to fire in three winters, it is a vacuum, and it is worth a vacuum. When it meets the wound, it is empty.
Turn auspicious with deification: whoever uses the original deification to revive, turn into immortality, turn into an emperor, turn into harmony, turn into the sun and the moon is called turning auspicious.
Turn evil with deification: anyone who turns back with the original god, turns the tomb, turns the absolute, turns the void, turns the ghost and turns back is called turning evil.