1, futures, usually refers to futures contracts, is a contract. A standardized contract made by a futures exchange to deliver a certain amount of subject matter at a specific time and place in the future. This subject matter, also known as the underlying asset, can be a commodity, such as copper or crude oil, a financial instrument, such as foreign exchange and bonds, or a financial indicator, such as three-month interbank offered rate or stock index. Futures trading is an inevitable product of the development of market economy to a certain stage. Futures trading is the activity or behavior of buying and selling futures contracts. Pay attention to the difference. Futures delivery is another concept. Futures delivery is the exchange activity or behavior of the subject matter (basic assets) stipulated in the futures contract on the maturity date.
2. Futures trading is developed by commodity producers from forward contract trading in spot trading in order to avoid risks. In the forward contract transaction, traders gather in the commodity exchange to exchange market information, look for trading partners, sign the forward contract through auction or negotiation between the two parties, and when the contract expires, both parties end their obligations by physical delivery. In frequent forward contract transactions, traders find that there is a price difference or interest difference in the contract itself due to the fluctuation of price, interest rate or exchange rate, so they can make profits by buying and selling contracts without waiting for physical delivery.
In order to adapt to the development of this business, futures trading came into being. Spot enterprises can also use futures to hedge and reduce their business risks. Futures traders generally buy and sell futures contracts through futures brokerage companies. In addition, the obligations they have to undertake after buying and selling the contract can be relieved by reverse trading (hedging or liquidation) before the contract expires. Historically, futures trading has been conducted in the trading hall through oral bidding by traders.
4. Most futures transactions are completed through electronic transactions. When trading, investors input trading orders through the computer system of the futures company, and the matching system of the exchange conducts matching transactions.