Chapter 20 Products of Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts or Other Parts of Plants 200 1 Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and Other Edible Parts of Plants were changed from any other chapter to heading 200 12002 Tomatoes, and from any other chapter to heading 20022003 Mushrooms and truffles by methods other than vinegar or acetic acid. The method of using vinegar or acetic acid for other frozen vegetables was changed from any other chapter to heading 20032004, but the method of using vinegar or acetic acid for products in heading 2006 was changed from any other chapter to other non-frozen vegetables in heading 20042005, but the exception of products in heading 2006 was changed from any other chapter to heading 2005-2006. Sugar-preserved vegetables, fruits, nuts, peels and other parts of plants (drained, sugar-preserved or wrapped) were changed from any other chapter to jam, jelly, citrus jam, puree and puree in heading 2006-2007. Whether sugar or other sweetening substances are included in other edible parts of fruits, nuts and plants not listed in other categories, whether wine, sugar or other sweetening substances are included in unfermented and alcohol-free fruit juices (including wine grape juice) and vegetable juices in 2008-2009 from other categories, Whether to add sugar or other sweet substances is changed from the miscellaneous food 2 10 1 coffee, tea, concentrated refined juice of yerba mate and products based on it or any other chapter of coffee, tea and yerba mate in 2009 to chapter 21; Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes and their concentrated juice were changed from any other chapter to heading 2 10 12 102 yeast (active or inactive); Other single-celled microorganisms that have died (excluding the vaccine of heading 3002); The baking powder was changed from any other item to item 2 1022 103 sauce and its products; Mixed seasoning; Mustard seed powder and its processed products were changed from any other item to item 2 1032 104 soup stock and its products; Homogeneous mixed food was changed from any other item to frozen food such as 2 1042 105 ice cream. Whether the cocoa content is changed by any other item of heading 2 1052 106 or not. The food not listed in other items was changed from other items to item 2 106. Chapter 22: Beverage, Wine and Vinegar Note: If the goods of heading 2208 (except subhead 220890) are obtained only by dilution with water or other substances, but the goods have not been substantially changed. 220 1 odorless water without sugar or other sweet substances, including natural or artificial mineral water and soft drinks; Ice and snow commodities must be completely obtained within the territory of the member. 2202 Seasoned, sweetened or other sweetened water, including mineral water and soda water, other non-alcoholic beverages, but excluding fruit juice or vegetable juice of heading 2009, was changed from any other heading to heading 2202203, and beer brewed with malt was changed from any other heading to heading 22032204, including wine brewed with alcohol; Wine grape juice other than heading 2009 is changed from any other chapter to heading 22042205, and other wines brewed with fresh grapes and plants or spices are changed from any other chapter to heading 22052206, and other fermented drinks (such as cider, pear wine and mead); The mixture of fermented beverages and the mixture of fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages not listed in other tax items are changed from any other tax item in tax item 22062207 to unmodified ethanol, and the alcohol concentration is 80% or more by volume; The modified ethanol of any other item in Item 22072208 and other alcohols of any concentration are changed into unmodified ethanol of Item 22072208, and the alcohol concentration is below 80% by volume; Distilled liquor, liqueur and other alcoholic beverages were changed from any other heading to heading 22082209, and vinegar and vinegar substitutes made from acetic acid were changed from any other heading to heading 2209, Chapter 23, Residues and wastes of food industry; Animal feed 230 1 is not suitable for human consumption of meat, viscera, fish, crustaceans, mollusks or other aquatic invertebrates. Oil residue was changed from any other chapter to heading 230 12302. Bran, chaff and other residues produced during screening, grinding or other processing of cereals or beans, whether caked or not, are classified from any other heading into heading 23022303. Residues and similar residues in starch manufacturing, beet residues, bagasse and other sugar residues, residues and residues in brewing and distillation, oil cakes and other solid residues in soybean oil refining from any other chapter to heading 23032304, oil cakes and other solid residues in peanut oil refining from any other heading to heading 23042305, oil cakes and other solid residues in vegetable oil refining from any other heading to heading 23052306. Raw tartar is changed from other items to plant raw materials, wastes, residues and by-products not listed in other items of animal feed, whether or not granulated. Animal feed prepared from any other item is changed from any other item to item 23082309. Chapter 24 of heading 2309: Tobacco and tobacco substitutes 240 1 tobacco; Tobacco waste changed from any other chapter to heading 240 12402 cigars and cigarettes made of tobacco or tobacco substitutes changed from any other chapter to heading 24022403 other tobacco and tobacco substitutes; "Homogenization" or "reconstruction" of tobacco; Tobacco juice is changed from any other heading of Chapter 25 Salt to heading 2403; Sulfur; Mud and stone; Gypsum, lime and cement 250 1 salt (including refined salt and denatured salt) and pure sodium chloride, whether in aqueous solution or not, and whether anti-caking agent or loosening agent is added or not; Sea water changed from other chapters to heading 250 12502. Unbaked pyrite changed from any other chapter to heading 25022503. All sulfur except sublimed sulfur, precipitated sulfur and colloidal sulfur was changed from any other heading to heading 25032504. Natural graphite was changed from any other chapter to heading 25042505. All kinds of natural sand, whether colored or not, are derived from any other category except the metal ores in Chapter 26. Quartzite, whether roughly trimmed or simply cut into rectangular (including square) plates and blocks, kaolin and similar soils from other chapters to heading 25062507, whether calcined or not, other clays from other chapters to heading 25072508 (except expansive clay of heading 6806), andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether calcined or not; Andalusite; Fire clay and Naxi clay changed from any other chapter to heading 25082509 chalk changed from any other chapter to heading 250925 10 natural calcium phosphate, natural aluminum calcium phosphate and phosphate chalk changed from any other chapter to heading 25 1025 1 1 day.