The underlying securities are securities that investors can buy by integrating funds, and also securities that securities companies can lend to investors. A stock exchange shall, in accordance with the principles of strict to wide, small to large, and gradual expansion, and according to the progress of the pilot of margin financing and securities lending business, review and select the list of the underlying securities in the initial stage of the pilot within the securities scope specified by the stock exchange, and announce it to the market. Securities companies determine and publish the underlying securities allowed by the company within the above scope. According to the provisions of the Stock Exchange, financing to buy the underlying securities and short selling the underlying securities are limited to listed stocks, securities investment funds, bonds and other securities recognized by them. It has been listed and traded on the stock exchange for 3 months; The circulating share capital of the underlying stocks purchased by financing is not less than 6,543.8 billion shares or the circulating market value is not less than 500 million yuan, and the circulating share capital of the underlying stocks sold by securities lending is not less than 200 million shares or the circulating market value is not less than 800 million yuan; The number of shareholders of the stock issuing company shall be no less than 4,000; The average daily turnover rate in the last three months is not less than 20% of the average daily turnover rate of the benchmark index, and the deviation between the average daily increase and decrease and the average daily increase and decrease of the benchmark index is not more than 4 percentage points.
And the fluctuation range does not exceed 500% of the fluctuation range of the benchmark index; The average daily turnover rate is the average daily turnover rate of the securities or benchmark index in the past three months. The average daily increase and decrease is the average of the absolute daily increase and decrease of the index securities or benchmark index in the past three months. The fluctuation range is the ratio of the difference between the highest price and the lowest price of the securities or benchmark index and the average of the highest price and the lowest price in the past three months. Benchmark index, Shanghai Stock Exchange refers to Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange refers to Shenzhen Composite Index and Small and Medium Board Index. The stock issuing company has completed the share-trading reform; Stock trading has not been specially handled by the stock exchange; Other conditions stipulated by the stock exchange.