AA Audit Office (China) Audit Bureau
AAA best grade
Abdominal muscles. abstract
Account, account, account
Account, account, current account, current deposit account
A & Appendix and Corrigendum Appendix and Corrigendum
Acc。 Acceptance or accepted acceptance
Accrued interest in Accrd.Int
Account. Account account
Accounting, accounting
Accounting, accounting
Account number, account number and account number
Acct.Tit. account name account name.
Air waybill
A/cNo account number and account number
Acpt。 Acceptance or accepted acceptance
Air conditioning salary. accounts payable
Air conditioning suggestions. Accounts receivable
Withholding corporate tax
ACU Asian monetary unit Asian monetary unit
actual cash value
A.d, "a/d after date", after the invoice is issued.
Depreciation method of fixed assets group in Adrs asset depreciation range system
advance payment
From ad valorem to ad valorem.
Agt。 Agency agency
Agt。 Agreement agreement and contract
AJE adjusting journal entries adjusting entries
Amount. Total amount
Ann. Annuity annuity
Accounts payable have been paid
Accounts payable
A/P accounting period accounting period
Accounts payable notice and payment notice
Accounts receivable accounts receivable
Accounts receivable at the rate of … ...
Accounts receivable all risks
Arrive, arrive, arrive
Pay at sight after sight.
Accounts receivable, account account sales underwriting account, underwriting list, sales list
The sooner the better.
ASR Acceptance Summary Report Acceptance Summary Report
Ass. Evaluation, evaluation and taxation
Distribution distribution distribution distribution distribution distribution distribution distribution.
Average total cost
The money from the ATM only pays for the cost.
Automatic trading system
Automatic transfer service
Attention. attention
Artie. Attorney's agent
Auct。 auction
Australian dollar. auditor
Av。 Average average
All wool pure wool
airway bill
Actual weight actual weight
BA bank acceptance bill
Resin balance balance
Banky. Bankruptcy means bankruptcy.
Bat battery
Bearer securities bearer securities
Bill book cashier book
B/B bills buy buy bills and buy bills.
B & ampb bed and. Breakfast accommodation and breakfast fee
Bcc copy
Buyer's credit
Collection bill of lading
Bank clearing bank clearing
B/d bring it down and turn to the next page
Bd。 Bond, bond, bond
Bill of lading discounted bill
bank draft
B.d.i Two days included, two days included.
Bill of lading declaration form
Draft bill
Break-even point
B/f advance
BF bonded factory
goods in bond
BHC bank holding company
Bank for International Settlements
Two-digit binary number
Bk。 Bank bank
Bk。 Account book
Bill of lading
Original bill of lading
BMP bank master policy unified bank insurance
BN banknote
Bo branch branch business hall
Buyer's option A forward contract in which the buyer chooses the delivery date.
Early BOM month
Bill of materials bill of materials
Build-operate-own build-operate-own.
Build-operate-own-maintain build-operate-own-maintain.
Start construction-operation-ownership-transfer construction-operation-ownership-transfer
balance of international payment
BOT trade balance
At the beginning of the year, the boy
Bill of lading payable
Bank discount rate
notes receivable
Broker or broker commission
balance sheet
B/S sales list sales list and delivery list
B-share b-share unit
Bank wire transfer bank wire transfer
Par value of BV book value
C. cent score
C cash; Coupons; Cash, coupons, currency
Celsius (temperature)
C.a. chartered accountant; Chief accountant chartered accountant, chief (supervisor) accountant
C.a. commercial agency
C.a. consumers' association
capital account
C/A current account
Current assets current assets
C. Cash against documents, D/P for payment
Canada cancels cancellation
Capital capital
Capital asset pricing model fixed asset pricing model
C. American cost accounting standards
C. cash book cash book
CBD cash on delivery, first payment and then delivery.
C.c. promissory note
C. Credit offset
C/d from the next page to the next issue.
Certificate of deposit
Carry-forward page delivery and carry-forward
capital gain
Means of production, capital goods
C.h. Customs
C.h. information clearing house
Chgs charges
Chq。 cheque
Insurance certificate
CIA registered internal auditor
CIF, CIF cost, insurance and freight, price+insurance+freight.
C. Comprehensive income tax
Ck。 Check check
C.l. short-term lending by notice
Letter of credit current liabilities
certified management accountant,cma
Mutual economic assistance Committee
Linearity of capital market
Cmo mortgage bonds guarantee mortgage debts.
Current market value
Cnconsistencenote railway waybill
CN credit note credit notice
Late c/o carried forward
C. cash draft, cash order
C.o. certificate of origin
Company company
Cocom multilateral export control coordinating Committee
Cash on delivery, cash on delivery
Col. column account column
Mortgage guarantee and collateral
Coll. collection collection
Com。 ; commission
Continuous container container
Renew a contract
Conv。 Resume. ,cvt。 Convertible, convertible
Oh, my god Principal
Oh, my god Related correspondent bank
Comparative commercial paper
C. Certified public accountant
CPB China patent office China patent office
Consumer price index
Cost per thousand units.
Current purchasing power of CPP
Cps。 Coupon coupon
CPT freight paid to freight paid to ......
C/R company risk enterprise risk
Cr。 Credit credit credit
Carrier risk
Current exchange rate today's exchange rate, current exchange rate
cash income
CR classification rate classification freight rate
CS civil servants; Civil servants and civil agencies
convertible security
Capital stock
customer satisfaction index
Csk。 bucket
Chief financial officer of CT company's financial director company
telegraphic transfer
Ct cabinet
Freight, loading and unloading fees and fares
China travel service Cent fraction
Capital transfer tax
Cubic cube
CU customs union
cubic centimeter
Inches measured in cubic inches
Cubic meters measured in cubic meters
cubic yard
Cumulative Priority Cumulative Priority (Share) Cumulative Priority (Share)
Curse. curr。 Currently this month, this month.
Convertible securities convertible bonds
Countervailing duties offset tariffs and anti-dumping duties.
Cost-volume-profit analysis-quantity-profit analysis
C. Cash-free orders for order payment
Sai. Currency currency
calendar year
Full container
Container terminal.
D degrees; draft
D/A deposit account
documentary against acceptance
D/a days after acceptance ... the day after acceptance (payment).
D.a. debit notice debt report
D. journal
Declining balance depreciation method
documentary bill of exchange
D.d; demand draft
d/d; D/d days after the date (payment)
D. dry dock
DDB method double declining balance depreciation method
D. the last date of the transaction.
have a deficit
Dem。 demurrage charges
Depr。 depreciate
d.f; D. F。 Dead cabin fee
D. Dangerous goods
Difference. discrepancy
Dis。 Discount discount
Dishes; Refuse to pay and refuse to pay.
D. Double income tax (relief)
div。 ; dividend
Dow Jones Company. Dow Jones Company, USA
Dow Jones Industrial Average Dow Jones Industrial Average
Jones transport average
DJUA Dow Jones average utility index
DK doesn't know. I don't know.
Direct loan
DL discretionary limit is unconditional.
DLD deadline deadline
Dls。 ; dol(s); Doll dollar element
Deutsche mark; D- mark; Deutsche mark; Deutsche Mark
Developing member countries, developing countries
DN date number date number
DN; debit memorandum
DNR does not decrease
Go ahead. ; Dto。 Ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto.
D/O delivery order invoice
Documents, vouchers, bills and documents
Doctor. att。 Documents with documents and attachments.
Doctor. Code voucher code voucher (voucher) number
D. grace period grace period
DOR request date
DP; Documents against payment
Disposable personal income
Date and place of birth of DPOB Date and place of birth
DPP dampproof
Debit, debit, debit
D.r; Discount rate discount rate
Deposit receipt, deposit certificate and deposit receipt
Doctor drawer debit
DS; The day after sight (the day after sight) ... the day after sight (payment)
ds。 ; d day 6.6.1944
Dstn。 Location (port) of the destination on the same day
Deposit-taking company
Deposit trust company
dup。 ; dupl。 ; Dupert copy
Dvp delivery to payment payment delivery
dy。 ; Day/day; Delivery date
A dozen dz hits
E. exchange; Export foreign exchange
E.&If there are any mistakes or omissions, they can be corrected.
E.a.o.n Unless otherwise stated.
after-tax income
EB extrabudgetary
Earnings before interest and tax and earnings before interest and tax before interest and tax.
Electronic brokerage service
EBT pre-tax profit
EC European community; Council of Europe, European Community, Council of Europe.
EEC export credit
Error correction error correction
European Community. For example, the reason
European Community. Interest-free ticket
Export credit agency
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East.
ECE Economic Commission for Europe
Electrocardiogram export credit guarantee
export credit insurance
Export Credit Refining Export Credit Refining
Estimated completion time
European monetary unit
Export declaration form
Ed ex-dividend ex-dividend, ex-dividend ex-dividend.
EDD estimated delivery date estimated delivery date
electronic data interchange
EDOC effective change date effective change date
Electronic data processing electronic data self-management
If there are any mistakes, you can correct them.
Hong Kong exchange rate index Hong Kong exchange rate index
EET eastern European time eastern European time
EF export financing
EF Exchange Fund
Electronic fund transfer electronic fund transfer
European Free Trade Area (Association)
Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders
EIB export-import bank
World bank EIL world bank economic integration loan
export license
Eli, ultra-low purity impurities are very few.
EMF European monetary fund
Equivalent average investment period
Emp month-end payment
EMP major European ports
EMS European monetary system
EMS express mail service postal express mail
European monetary union
Closed Enc
Attachment. Enclosure attachment
Encd。 Enclosed attachment
End. ; Endorsement endorsement
Entry registrant
EOA will take effect on or about. ...
EOD every other day
EOE European options exchange European options trading
EOM end of month
EOQ economic order quantity minimum order quantity
EOS end season
EOU extroverted unit
At the end of the year
Earliest possible date
Draft export promotion notice
Electronic sales point electronic sales shop
Income-price ratio
EPR effective protection rate
Earnings per share
E. Excess profit tax
Excess profitability index
EPZ export processing zone
Exchange rate mechanism
Export refinancing plan
ESOP employee stock ownership plan
Estimated real estate and heritage
Eastern standard time
And the following et sequences are as follows.
estimated time of arrival
ETD estimated departure time estimated departure time
ETDZ Economic and Technological Development Zone Economic and Technological Development Zone
ETLT is equal to or less than
Estimated sailing time estimated sailing time.
European Union
EUA European unit of account
Former. ; Foreign exchange exchanges and exchanges
Excel。 In addition, exclusive, not included.
Ex cont from contract to contract
Ex cp。 Interest-free ticket
Ex department. Ex-dividend has no bonus.
Exp。 Exit exit
Extension. Expand, expand.
Factory delivery