1. The reasons for short positions are mostly related to improper fund management. In order to avoid this situation, investors should strictly control their positions and manage their funds reasonably. For example, every time they buy, they only buy the position of110 of their fund. At the same time, they should set stop-loss points and take-profit points to avoid possible Man Cang operation in stock trading.
2. Investors buying futures are also highly leveraged, and the greater the risk of short positions. If the leverage of Zhang San futures is 10 times, the price of the subject matter fluctuates 10%, and the loss rate reaches 100%, that is, the short position; If Li Si's futures leverage is five times, and the price of the subject matter fluctuates by 20% after he makes the wrong direction, Li Si's loss rate will reach 100%, that is, the short position.
When the stock exploded, all the losses were gone. The stock explosion is not only a complete loss, but also a financial liability. Although it is not easy to happen under the compulsory liquidation trading system, under special circumstances, some investors with large holdings are very likely to happen. When the market changes greatly, if the loss is caused by investors, then investors need to make up for the loss.
1. The stock explosion will lead to a sharp drop in the stock price, and the stocks pledged in the secondary market will also be forced to close their positions. Small and medium-sized investors will lose a lot when their stocks explode, or even lose all their money. For listed companies, the company has exhausted all financing channels. When the risk of equity pledge becomes greater, the shares held by major shareholders may be forced to liquidate, and the control right will disappear with the liquidation, so the major shareholders will lose the actual control right of the company.