Today, I am not confused, and my hair is slightly open; Learn to be ashamed, and you will gradually realize this. It is the way to know heaven and earth, and create everything with yin and yang; The truth of life is that yin and yang are long bones. Easy, easy, with the wonderful movement of yin and yang; Doctor, meaning is also in harmony with yin and yang. Although Yin and Yang have been recorded in Neijing, the changes are not much different from those in Zhouyi. Therefore, it is said that heaven and man are one, and this yin and yang are also; The same change applies to those who change their dressing easily. Is it difficult for doctors to communicate with each other for the same reason, so it is easy to treat without knowing it?
Because of the tacit understanding, I have been involved for a day, but I dare not be selfish. Let me explain the essence, make use of medical resources to make changes, and say it well: easy to have Tai Chi, which means to have two instruments, two instruments to have four images, and four images to have eight diagrams. Tianbei, Kun Jian; Humble to Chen, noble to humble; Static and dynamic, rigid and soft; Birds of a feather flock together, birds of a feather flock together, and good or bad luck is born; In the natural image, it is formed in the ground, and Gan Kun is easy to stand. Therefore, it is a sacred thing of nature and a sacred personality; The change of heaven and earth is also the work of saints; The sky hangs like an elephant, seeing good or bad luck, and saints are like it; Rivers paint, Luo writes, and saints write. As a result, close, far away, making gossip to understand the virtue of the gods, following the principle of life, gossip in the column, happy; Therefore, it is very important to be in it; Hard and soft wear each other, gossip swings, and changes in it; Copula is life-threatening, it moves in it; Good or bad luck is born with regret, but heaven and earth are virtuous, and everything has the ability to be integrated, which is easy to be obvious and has nothing to hide.
Wei Zi's life is the essence of the 25 th Five-Year Plan. It is the spirit of all things, the sum of heaven and earth, the four elephants should be in heaven, the four bodies should be in earth, and the sum of heaven and earth, that is, the qi of my body, the tide of day and night, that is, the pulse of my body. The North Star of Heaven is the foundation of group movement and is the king of all things with one heart. From its point of view, the qi of heaven is the qi of man; The human body is the body of heaven. Therefore, Kang Jie said: Don't think about it, ghosts and gods are unknown. I'm not in charge, but who? Guy said that when you think about it, you will arrive in Qi. God sees it with qi, and it will meet the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth. However, the unity of heaven and man is wonderful and awesome; It's a small world. There's really no difference between the two. Today, the principle of heaven and earth is easy, but the principle of body and mind is not easy? It is easy to clear the heavens and the earth, and it is easy to be outside; Physical and mental ease is also inner ease. Whose relatives are inside and outside? Who is close to heaven? Therefore, we must seek ourselves before we can seek others, first from the inside and then from the outside; It is the physical relaxation that can be delayed, but the physical and mental relaxation can not be ignored.
Medicine is the Tao, body and mind are easy, but medicine is not easy. Why do you want to do this? However, Yi Dao is infinite. Everything is born in one, divided into two, divided into four, divided into eight, divided into sixteen, from sixteen to thirty-two, thirty-two to sixty-four, and even three hundred and eighty-four. There are 1520 strategies, wonderful sympathy, opportunities for transformation, and the number of things has come out since then.
In detail, the so-called Yi Yi has Tai Chi. Tai Chi is infinite, and infinity is Tai Chi. Before counting images, everything is born. So the five elements are absent, and the parents are absent. He also said: there is a mystery, which has essence, and its essence is true and has faith. It is the ancestor of congenital qi at the beginning of creation, because of cavitation and formation of qi. Knowing this through medical treatment means knowing that there is something original, so that whenever I am at the beginning of my life, I can know that it is based on my parents, and I can occupy its image first.
The so-called split in two is to give birth to two musical instruments. Tai Chi moves to produce yang, while quietness produces yin; Born in motion, the earth was born at rest; Yang is a couple of yin, and yin is the foundation of yang; Take being heaven and earth, using it as dry Kun, and Tao as yin and yang; Dynamic and static are the roots of each other, divided into yin and yang, and the two instruments stand upright. It is for the beginning of the image, for the shape to contain gas, for the gasification of god, and for the ancestor of the post-celestial phenomenon. The doctor knows this, that is, he knows Yin, Yang, Qi and blood, and there is a clock, so that my body qi is known by its pure refutation, and its natural softness is tacit.
The so-called dichotomy is divided into four, and two instruments give birth to four images. It is said that the beginning of the movement is Yang Sheng, and the extreme movement is Yin Sheng; Quiet is soft at the beginning, and quiet is extremely fresh. There are too few yin and yang, and the four elephants are heaven; For the four bodies of the earth, the rigidity is too small; Eyes, ears, nose and mouth should respond to the sky, and flesh and blood should respond to the ground. Doctors know this, that is, they know that there is yin in the yang, and there is yang in the yin, so that mortals are like yang but not yang, and yin and not yin, so as to know its truth and falsehood and to observe its seclusion.
The so-called four points and eight points, four elephants are born with gossip. It is called cognac, Duier, Lisan, Paul, Xunwu, Liu Kan, Genqi and Kumba. Dry and healthy; Kun, Shun also; Shock, movement also; Xun, into also; Kan, sleepy; Stay, Li also; Hey, stop; Exchange, say yes. Fuxi gossip, divided into yin and yang body image; King Wen's gossip is the essence of the five elements of the Ming Dynasty. Only by knowing this, can we know that there are yin and yang, rigidity and softness, and rigidity and softness. The body it treats, the opportunity of news, the wonderful sympathy and the intricate meaning are all prepared; Then the nature of ordinary people is rational, and when their emotions are cured, they can get their programs and change a lot. Since then, the four elephants have intersected and become sixteen things, and the gossip swings, which is sixty-four. Divided into six hexagrams inside and outside, 96 is pushed into a number, the word is big, and everything is complete. Look at the previous round chart, that is, its essence, that is, although the picture looks like everything, it is one of Mrs. Yuche.
Therefore, those who are born with pictures are also in the ring; Ring, also like the sky. Sixty-four hexagrams are listed outside, showing the principle of alternating yin and yang; Taiji is unique among them, and it is the master of elephant and heart. Those who work in the south and work in the north are like heads and bellies; People who leave Dongkan Creek are like eyes and ears. Since it belongs to the same person, when Neibu shakes off, it is sixteen yin, sixteen yang and twenty-eight; From temporary to dry, when the inner divination is changed to dry land, it is 16 points for the sun and 48 for people; When I first arrived at the division, when the land of Neibu was sixteen of Yang and few of Yin, I was sixty-eight. Since I fled to Kun, when the land of Nebu was Kun, it was sixteen in the lunar calendar and eighty-eight. Yang was born in the child, very at noon, so it was called Tiangen, and it was thirty-two years old to cope with the previous life; Yin was born in the afternoon, extremely in the child, so it is called the point of the moon, and the thirty-two hexagrams reach Kun, so it should be the second half of life. The previous life began in Fuyang, gradually increased, until it was dry and the anode was full, like a person from few to strong; The second half of life starts from one of the yin and gradually decreases, and ends in Kunyang, just like a person's self-decline to old age.
It looks like judging the world at the beginning, when doing it in the afternoon, when doing it in the classroom, and at the second stage. The left master rises and the right master falls, and the rising sun lives in the southeast, mainly in spring and summer to cope with the growth of people; It is cloudy in the northwest in autumn, and the intersection of autumn and winter is the main reason for coping with the gradual disappearance of people.
Looking horizontally, just like in the second hexagram, the distance is from the base, and the hurdle is from the unitary, which is divided into two parts, that is, the yin and yang are half and half, and the upper and lower points are divided. The upper part is yang, the lower part is yin, and the yang is the sun, so it should be day; Yin entered the unit during the day, in order to cope with sleep at night. This is the picture, as well as the beauty of heaven and man and the principle of luck.
Look at the square map again, its meaning is just like the ground, starting from the northwest and ending in the southeast. The sky is smaller than the northwest, so the sun in the circle is in the southeast; The land is not satisfied with the southeast, and the map is in the northwest. It's Fuxi's divination.
If Wang Wen gossips, his position is different. Fuxi showed the image of nature, so he went to Kun, left Kan and left right; King Wen and the number of river maps make the south fire north water and the east wood west gold. (This section is based on the following square diagram and combines the meaning of river and Luo, and expounds the theory of square angle and gas number in detail. ) people's quality, the shape of heaven and earth, the feelings of Gankun, Yin and Yang, Qi and blood, the left and right are the same, one integrated mass, seek its way in detail.
Therefore, from the image, the way of heaven and earth, with six as the festival, three talents and two, is six hexagrams, six odd couples, twelve. Therefore, in December, people have twelve dirty; There are twelve meetings in the sky, and people have twelve classics; There are twelve days in heaven and twelve days in man. Zhihu is here, and the camp guards flow around, and the meridians are inside and outside, such as among them.
According to the Tibetan image, from the sixth day to the sixth day, the yin is dirty, the sixth day is life, the sixth day is kidney, the sixth day is liver, the sixth day is spleen, the sixth day is heart and the sixth day is lung. From the ninth day to the ninth day, yang is the fu organ, and from the ninth day to the ninth day, bladder, large intestine, small intestine, gallbladder, stomach and triple energizer. Zhihu is here, the zang-fu organs are yin and yang, and the internal organs are like them.
Formally speaking, the work is the first, and Yang is the best; Kun is the abdomen, and the yin is wide enough to hold things; Kan is the ear, Yang Cong is the inside; From the purpose, Yin Ming is also outside; Replace it with a mouth and remove it on it; Xun is a stock, two linked; Gen for the hand, Yang in front; Shock is enough, just move under it. The sky is less in the northwest, so the eyes and ears are left and right; The land does not agree with the southeast, so the right hand of a brother is stronger than his left hand. Zhihu, like this man's body, is inside.
In terms of fertility, heaven and earth are dense, everything is mellow, men and women are fine, and everything is metaplasia. Heaven is humble, the godfather is Kun's mother, Avenue is male, Kundao is female, and Zhen Xuan is three men and three women. If you want to know the strength of your child, you will be shocked and then go forward, and the roots will shrink back; To distinguish the pulse, it is advisable to live in the southeast and Kun shun to the northwest; I want to make plans for Hongzhi, fill in the library and leave the palace, and borrow it as a dry plan; If you want to know the method of sowing clearly, you must have the right time, the right place and the right person. The deficit is caused by qi. In winter, you will start to strengthen your yang, and Yin wins will be avoided. Zhihu, as well as the way of pregnancy sympathy, exists in it.
Mentally speaking, the water in the north is my essence, so the kidney stores essence; Nan Erhuo, my god, so I hide my god in my heart; Dongsanmu is my soul, so the liver hides the soul; Western four gold, my soul, so the lungs hide the soul; It is my intention to be in the middle of the five soils, so I say that the spleen hides meaning. If you want to know the yin and yang of the soul, you must know the spirit. Wood fire is the same as gas, so it is hidden in the southeast, while 28 and 37 are ten; Jinshui is the same as the original, so the scenery is quite hidden in the northwest, and September 19 and April 6 are all ten; There are four qi in the soil, deliberately living alone, but the number is only five, and the image of viscera and five elements exists in it.
Speak with actions. Then yang takes the initiative, and yin dominates the static; When the sky is round, it moves, and when it is still, it is still; Static people are the foundation of moving, and moving people are static machines. Rigid and flexible, easy to move; Yin and yang rise and fall, and the movement of qi also; Energy-gathering news, the movement of things; Sleeping day and night, physical exercise is also. If you want to know her husband's movements in detail, you must carefully observe Yin and Yang. Those who move the poles should calm them down, and those who are hyperactive in Yin should prevail over Yang. The medicine for treating diseases and taking pulse must be dynamic and static; Sound and smell, when you know softness, you hide strength. I know the subtlety of combining rigidity with softness, but I think too much about the mystery of medical application.
As far as ascending and descending are concerned, Yang dominates ascending and Yin dominates descending; Those who ascend give birth to yang, while those who descend die of yin. Therefore, the day lies in the child, rising in the middle of the night, rising to life, and the sea and the sky are clear; The sun sets at noon and afternoon, and then it dies. Everything is a ghost. The machine of life and death is just up and down. If you want to know the importance of rising and falling, if you fall but don't rise, you must prevent undressing and re-entering; Those who should rise but not fall should be born at the beginning of cultivation. Fear of self-decline, must be viewed; It is appropriate to seek recovery gradually and leave. One of them is Ken, which is the most emotional smell. If you want to know the way to rise and fall, you can get it by asking.
In the words of God's machine, there is God in the middle and a machine in the middle; It is also a god who is silent, and it is also a machine that has feelings and communication; A heart is a god and a heart is a machine. Zhihu, this is the beginning of money, straight to the end, my god also; Swing evil like a craftsman's stone, avoid it like hitting a person's nose. If you can advance, you will advance; if you can't advance, you will retreat. My God also; Illness is as heavy as a knife as a draw. God and machine are interdependent. Therefore, God has a master and a machine; God decides, the machine breaks; God is the master of the machine, and the machine is the messenger of God. Knowing god and knowing machine, doing it is a medical god.
To put it bluntly, the cold has gone, summer has come, day has come, night has come, the strong have come, and evil has come.
Therefore, it is difficult to complement each other, right and wrong are inclined, rigidity and softness are combined, and ice and carbon are punished. Wisdom, this is the foundation of micro, and the prosperity of decline is also; From big to small, from far to near, all over. Therefore, security cannot forget danger, and governance cannot forget chaos; Feather can sink a boat, light ball can fold an axis. Small things can't be light, and villains can't be slow, but harmony and mutual assistance can be the way to success.
As far as change is concerned, things are called changes, and things are called changes; Yin can be turned into Yang, and Yang Can can be turned into Yin. Only this one or two, sympathetic people, uneven gas, things will meet, and the reason for change will come from this. Therefore, the initial temperature of the anode is hot; Cold at the beginning of yin, cold at the cathode. Warm is a living thing, hot is long, cool is harvest, cold is killing, and the prosperity of change lies in Si. If you are mom and dad, you are a beautiful man and a beautiful woman, and your son has short legs. Apricot meets peach and pear meets plum, which will be abnormal. The husband is pregnant with yin, tenderness, small, round, water, purple, straight and short. Zhihu, could have been bitter, could have been fragrant, could have been divided into latitude and longitude, could have been adjustable palace merchants, could have been a snake and scorpion, could have been a phoenix, could have been Yao Jie, could have destroyed Peng, could have been like it, but its application could have been bad.
It is often easy and not easy to change with the same, and the principle of Tai Chi is also; Change is always easy, so is natural movement. Often easy to change, but can adapt; Change is not common, nor is it common. Constant use, changeable use, is the body; The body that is not easy to change in ancient and modern times can be changed at any time; People's minds are unmoved, and material desires last a lifetime. Because it is pushing, it belongs to yin and yang, and it often suffers; If you are cold or hot, your illness will change. The big one, the small one, often gives the pulse; Fluctuation and sinking, the pulse will also change. Those who work hard and live a quiet life live in ordinary places; Those who feel proud and humiliated at first sight will also change their ups and downs. Thin and fat has not changed, and the body shape is normal; People with different tones and voices describe this change. The unchangeable is easy to know, but the changeable is hard to know.
Therefore, it is normal to treat heat with cold. What does it mean to treat heat with heat? The more you benefit, the less you suffer. What is the plug for the Seine? The prosecution often treats this disease. What is a square cover with a round bottom? What is the cure for incurable diseases? It is normal for saints to look up and look down, seeking far and near; Go to Germany to study, adapt to the situation and change. Therefore, it is not enough to know the truth; I don't know. Often, not enough to change. People who know how to respond to changes with constancy are not required to follow the same pattern, but can rely on the power of traditional Chinese medicine.
In the words of ghosts and gods, the sun be the spirit calls God, and God delays it. Ghosts say ghosts, and ghosts return. Ghosts and gods are just angry. Therefore, ghosts and gods are good at two things. Yang is the god of heaven and earth, Yin is the ghost of heaven and earth, and spring and summer are the gods of years old; Autumn and winter are the ghosts of age; Day and noon are the gods of time, and dusk is the ghost of time. Push it to people, then benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and wisdom are the gods of gentlemen; Traitor, thief, liar, villain. Lotte knows life, the god of morality; Flattery, snobbery Pushing it to the doctor is sacred and skillful, just like god; Ordinary people are shallow, like ghosts It is up to God to strive for new progress; If you hurt someone, your heart is still a ghost. Look at the shape and sound, it is firm and profound, and the god of shape is also there; Thin and delicate, the ghost of shape is also. Long and bright, the god of sound is also; Short and tiny, the ghost of sound is also. The pulse color is long and gentle, and the pulse is also divine; Stopping the prisoner in a hurry is simply a tie. Qingming, the god of color; Light and tender gray, the ghost of color is also. It is the symbol of all ghosts and gods.
If the original ghosts and gods, there is a so-called. Heaven and earth ghosts and gods can neither go out of heaven and earth; And the ghosts and gods of the characters are safer than people's hearts? Therefore, among heaven and earth, there are ghosts of heaven and earth, and among characters, there are ghosts of characters. Good and evil come from the heart, and conscience is naturally hard to disappear; Strength is determined by Yang and judged by ghosts and gods. Therefore, there are many yang and good people, and strong ghosts are destroyed; Those who are full of yin and evil are angry and have ghosts. However, ghosts and gods are from the heart, and I made them; Well-informed and changeable, bandits ask for it. Wisdom depends on this, but good or bad, for the heart.
Say to death, people live by the spirit of heaven and earth, gather for life, and disperse for death. Therefore, qi is a thing, gathering and tangible; Things are qi, but they are scattered and return to nothing. Single crystal cloud: yin is not exhausted, not immortal; Yang is not exhausted, and it will not die. Therefore, the origin comes from yang, and life must be revived, and yang comes from dryness; On the other hand, if you finally return to Yin, you will die in Kun and Yang will return to the earth. Those who get the yang are born, so there is no ten yang, and the yang has no end; Those who get yin die, so there is no yin and no yin begins. Therefore, the yang is multilingual and the yin is silent; Silent people die, multilingual people live. When the soul is strong, the soul is strong. People who sleep more have bad luck, while those who eat more live easier. Therefore, people who are good at handling handles want to save their lives and not kill them; He will drive away his robbers, but he won't hurt his king. The gathering and dispersion of yin and yang is the principle, the stripping growth is the machine, and the way of life and death is all in it.
In terms of disease, Thailand is a top-down transportation, but it is the isolation of Gankun. Ji Ji's heart and kidney are in harmony, and yin and yang are not helped. Too big and too small, the yin cold sinks deeper and deeper, just like a disease. In the middle, it is easy to divination, such as the lack of middle earth, and it is easy to be swollen. Stripping is like separating yang, stripping is like separating yin. View is the reason why yang declines and yin hides. Gu Xiang is almost incompetent and redundant. Away from the fire, hide the fire; If you change your mind, your mouth and lungs will be connected. Cross the ridge for mutual benefit, and enter the east wood to prevent inflammation. Although Kungen likes warmth, he is too warm and afraid of drying up. The ridge is wooden mother, which is convenient for earthquake; If you encounter dirt, it is the most disgusting. Jinshui is the same gas, abnormal, dry and wet. Kungen is in the middle, fearing the prosperity of the east; It would be safer if it was dry. Although the condition is measured by divination, the fire and water are divided by separation; However, Kanben belongs to water, and Yang is in the middle, while Kanben belongs to fire, and Yin is hidden in it. Therefore, in the northern waters, one opposes deposits; South is fire nation, the second top; Oriental poplars, eight of them; The west is yin gold, and nine is in its place. It can be seen that leaving the sun is fire and half is deficiency heat. Is it really cold and easy to know that the water is cloudy? The cloud rises from the dragon, the wind rises from the tiger, and the opportunity for growth and decline; When the water is wet and the fire is dry, you know nothing about death. Knowing that you are worried about going against the trend, you must know the truth and truth. So there are many events, everyone is different, but the world is different, and the faces of ancient and modern times are different. People's faces are different, that is, people's hearts are different, so people's diseases are different. There are countless cases of this disease.
Today I gave an outline, but the book was not full of words, and the words were not full of meaning. Clear and clear, very popular. However, God is indifferent to Yi, which is difficult to cure. If you want to cure Yi, you can only manage Yin and Yang. Therefore, the world is full of voices, out of a closed monarch; There are thousands of people in Qian Qian in the world, out of serenity and strangeness; Everything in the world is a trick; Everything in the world comes from one side and one circle. Fiona Fang is also, dynamic and static, even and strange, combined with monarch, there is always one and two. Therefore, heaven and earth are good, and their friendship is dry; Gan Kun didn't have to, and he also separated hand in hand; The way to get rid of it is to say that it is yin and yang. However, in a word, yin is the main yang, and heaven and earth are big. Husband is born, Yang is born, Qi is born, Yi is born, and Dan is born.
It's easy to have everything, but if you want to use one word, just like Yang. Life and death are important things, and those who want to cover it up with one sentence are just talking about Yang. Although Yang is yin occasionally, while Yang is healthy and Yin is the foundation of Yang, Kun is quiet and peaceful, but why is Kun peaceful? Therefore, if it stops, it is stationary, so it is moving. Therefore, although feminine, it is not unreasonable to obey Yang, but because of its great strength, it is thought to advance and retreat. So the only way to stop it is to move. Therefore, although feminine, it is not unreasonable to obey Yang, but because of its great strength, it is thought to advance and retreat. Therefore, Yuan Guan's view of four virtues, Spring Guan's view of four seasons, harmony with the way of heaven and earth, Yang Chang's camp, and ignorance believe that everything is the foundation of life, which is also innate. But yang is like a gentleman and yin is like a villain. A gentleman is aboveboard, and it is difficult to be independent; Little people take advantage of the gap, easily, by hook or by crook. An zhichun can't last long, and a gentleman can't die? What a pity! Yang Sheng will change, so will the dead. Therefore, noon is a blessing, and the full moon is a loss. Also like the husband's yang and yin, yin is more than yang. So there are fewer things in the world and more troubled times, fewer gentlemen and more villains, and fewer days and more deaths. Since then, the day of heaven and man has been blessed. Therefore, the gentleman is afraid of it. Therefore, it is easy for a saint to accomplish something. As for the rise and fall, the distinction between Shu and Yu is not without the meaning of supporting Yang and suppressing Yin. Not because of the evil husband's lewdness, but also because of fear of ruin, I cut off Gankun's business ears. Therefore, a shady person, such as a thief, is extremely precious. This is the program of sincere medicine and the base of life.
This is a book based on Zhiyi, and every word is a guide to Tibetan medicine. One is like a mirror, salty and respectful of life. Therefore, saints set up images to the best of their ability, divination to the best of their emptiness, words to the best of their ability, dancing drums to the best of their ability, although they don't talk about medical skills. Therefore, the change of the sky is easy to see; People's situation can be verified by images; The yin and yang of the disease have rules to follow. A person with beautiful appearance cannot live without a couple; Those who paint colors must be distinguished. Therefore, a gentleman will do one thing. From a rational point of view, it should be like this: God knows how to come, knows how to hide, participates in martial arts to change, and is complicated and silent, which is not the best in the world. How can you compare with this? With this, the Tao can be in harmony with heaven and earth, the heart can be in harmony with truth, the qi can melt everything, and God can communicate with people. Call it the outline of heaven and earth, know the room of yin and yang, see the cave of the spirit, and find the treasure.
However, heaven is hard to change, and I dare not mediate nature; Easy body and mind, can't it be changed to manage yin and yang? Therefore, you participate in the medicine of the Book of Changes, just like a doctor, who will do his best to return to heaven; If you praise Yi with applied medicine, you are all Yi, and Yi is really my safety. Therefore, it is easy to have the principle of medicine and the medicine is easy to use. If it is not easy to study medicine, you will say that it is not difficult to study medicine, and that is all. People with vision can't see, and ears can't hear. Those who know its ease but don't know its cure are called easy, deep and difficult to use. What's the difference between people who are afraid of cold and those who are afraid of hunger? It's a pity to miss this life.
However, medicine is not easy, easy to be without medicine, but both, so easy to change in the sky, the use of medicine in me. Carry a piece of wood to find it and turn it into a boat; Dial an inch and send a crossbow. Those who are easy to be empty are true, those who are easy to be cold are hot, those who are easy to be calm are soft, those who are easy to be quiet are contending, those who are easy to rise and fall are easy to float, those who are easy to be anxious are urgent, those who are easy to violate are empty, and those who are easy to be true are true.
He who knows the way of the machine, the machine touches his eyes, and God should respond to his heart, not seeing what is, but seeing the emptiness, knowing his desire before and knowing his residence later. Therefore, it is easy to avoid danger, to cure chaos, to die for survival and to be blessed. To the heart of the mysterious realm, to the body of the realm of life, luck can be restored, heaven and earth can be restored, there is no way without medicine, and there is no way without difficulty. It is best to take medicine for both things.
However, what users use is changeable, and what users use is appropriate. Change is appropriate, change is appropriate; Change is appropriate, change is appropriate. The first is that it is suitable for change, but it is ever-changing. Which is better? Change is appropriate, then this is appropriate and that is appropriate, and it is variable. People who are good at seeking can know what to return to alone in confusion, and they are the only one among thousands, and they know the importance of medical care.
However, knowing is one is easier said than done. I suddenly did what Confucius said, and I got what I wanted, saying Zhi Zhi, and then I got what I wanted. The root of husband's return is extreme. Cover up the disease and stop at life; Work ends with success; Evil stops and ends; Good ends well and accumulates. The gains and losses of things must also be international, and the international situation will stop; There must be endless benefits, and infinity will stop. If you move quietly, everything will stop between words and silence. Where to stop is the cave of rationality, the foundation of transformation and the only way out. Zhi Zhi can be sure? Is that settled, or? Very quiet. Aren't you happy? If you are safe, are you worried? What's wrong with worrying? What did you get? If you get all the easy ones, you can change them, and if you get all the doctors, you can find the right ones. However, you have to worry about it and worry about it. The so-called "stop" is that it is difficult to achieve when it makes sense. Similar people say: it is easy to have it, it is appropriate to have it without doubt, that is, stop it. It is also proposed that we must stand firm in the face of unshakable places; Then, in the same place, recognize the truth and stop.
Husband is the foundation of income and the end of it; The business you get is budding, and the effectiveness of stop loss is attributed to it. Mencius said: I am not tempted. Shao said without saying a word, please watch the wind and the cold night. Who is the janitor? These two sons' kung fu, "don't you get it from the end?" It is just to stop it, and God is the best! This is also an honest and easy-to-cure method. If you can know this, you will be blessed by disaster. Why not? He who is not afraid of danger is born safe. Why not give up? Husband is a health care master, why not? The husband is a doctor, so why not? Is it enough to cure the meaning of the cloud with a knife? ! Hoo hoo! The heart of sages has always been the same throughout the ages; Lewus said that kindness is endless. Secretly send ghosts and gods, two vertical Xi escape? How can there be a west east in the sixth house? Drunk is made in the ethereal, and the sun and the moon are in the beautiful pot; Transport yin and yang in the hand, touch the spring. Fine to subtle, the teaching of saints; Its gains and losses are all due to its laziness. Is it too late to learn easily at the age of fifty? When you hear Tao in the morning, you can prove that it is yellow. That is, the Tao is the heart, who has no foresight; Although I am not sensitive, I am still a doctor. Yiner reiterated his righteousness: it is the gateway to the Tao to say that it is too easy to cure too much. I want to discuss Ji Fu, one of Yang Ren's sons, in the Wanli period of Ming Dynasty.