What are the lines of MACD, DIFF, DEA?
1. moving average convergence divergence \ xd \ principle: \ xd \ MACD (moving average convergence divergence) Chinese name: moving average convergence, It was first published by Gerald Appel in the book Systems And Forecasts. It mainly uses two long-term and short-term smooth average lines to calculate the difference between them as the basis for judging market trading. \xd\ xd \ algorithm: \xd\DIFF line closing price DIFFerence between SHORT-term and LONG-term index smma \xd\DEA line DIFF line m daily index smma \xd\MACD line DIFF line and DEA line difference, color bar line \ xd \ parameters: short (short-term), long (long-term), m. \xd\2.DIFF and DEA are both negative, and DIFF falls below DEA and sells the signal. \ xd \ 3. The DEA line deviates from the K line, and the market reverses the signal. \xd\4. Analyze the MACD column line, change from positive to negative, and sell the signal; Change from negative to positive, buy signal.