VAR 1:=(CLOSE-MA(CLOSE,2 1))/MA(CLOSE,2 1)* 100;
VAR2:=(CLOSE-LLV (low, 43))/(HHV (high, 43)-LLV (low, 43)) *100;
VAR3:=SMA(VAR2,2, 1);
Laos: SMA (var 3,2, 1), accuracy 2, yellow color, line thickness 2;
Niu Liang: 100+(-ABS (var 1)), green color, precis2, line thickness1;
Wife: ABS (var 1), magenta color, precis2, line thickness1;
Lover and wife: 50, color0BFFFF, POINTDOT
Strong: 80, COLOR0BFFFF, POINTDOTKDJ. k”(89,3,3);
a 12:="KDJ。 d”(89,3,3);
a 13:="KDJ。 k”(27,3,3);
a 14:="KDJ。 d”(27,3,3);
a 15:="kd.k"(5,3,3);
a 16:="kd.d"(5,3,3);
A 17:= cross (a 15, a16);
A 18:= cross (a 13, a14);
a 19:= CROSS(a 1 1,a 12);
A20:=(a 17 and a 18) and a19;
DRAWTEXT(a20,Laos,'● resonance '),colorRED
Cross: if ((Laos, Niu Liang or Laos, wife)), 1, 0), linethick0.
DRAWICON ((cross) or cross (Laos, wife)), Laos,1);
Resonance: (A 17 and A 18) and a19;
DRAWTEXT (resonance, 1,' ● resonance'), colorYellow