A country's fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy have the most direct influence on the change of market interest rate. Expansive fiscal policy, through financial distribution activities to increase and stimulate the total social demand, leading to an increase in capital demand, market interest rates will rise; Tight fiscal policy, through financial distribution activities to reduce and curb the total social demand, will lead to the reduction of capital demand, market interest rates will fall. Item a is correct.
Expansionary monetary policy is to stimulate aggregate demand by increasing the growth rate of money supply. Under this policy, it is easier to obtain credit funds and the market interest rate will fall. Tight monetary policy is to reduce aggregate demand by reducing the growth rate of money supply. Under this policy, it is more difficult to obtain credit funds, and the market interest rate will rise. Changes in money supply have a direct impact on market interest rates. Item b is correct.
A government generally controls import and export and capital flow through the fluctuation of local currency exchange rate, so as to achieve the purpose of balance of payments. Exchange rate will indirectly affect interest rate by affecting domestic price level and short-term capital flow. Item c is correct.
If a country's currency exchange rate falls, it can improve its terms of trade. Promoting the increase of national foreign exchange reserves, assuming other conditions remain unchanged, will increase the supply of domestic funds, leading to a decline in interest rates; On the contrary, if a country's currency exchange rate rises, it will reduce its foreign exchange reserves, which will reduce the supply of domestic funds and lead to an increase in interest rates. Item d is correct.
So the answer to this question is ABCD.