The limited partnership system originated from the Anglo-American legal system. It refers to a partnership organization composed of general partners and limited partners, which plays a flexible and efficient role in economic activities. China urgently needs to introduce similar systems in the development of high-tech enterprises and venture capital. A limited partnership is a for-profit organization in which general partners and limited partners jointly form a partnership, in which the general partners bear unlimited joint and several liability for the debts of the partnership, and the limited partners bear limited liability to the extent of their capital contributions. A limited partnership combines limited liability and unlimited liability, and has special advantages that general partnerships and corporate legal persons cannot have at the same time. Limited partnerships are the most conducive to high-risk investments among all existing forms of business organization.
Futures limited partnership is a limited partnership established by a number of natural persons and legal persons. The company's articles of association determine that the limited partnership will invest in futures as its main business purpose in order to achieve futures assets. management purposes.