/32063270/blog/ 1242309760
Code that can produce neon effect
Add controls Command2 and Timer 1 to the form.
Add the control Shape 1 to the form, and set shape 1:name = sha and Index=0 in the property window.
Add the following code to the form code.
Private subcommand 2_Click ()
Dim as long as I am
Sha(0)。 Shape = 3
Sha(0)。 FillStyle = 0: Sha(0)。 FillColor = 255
Because I = Sha. Count-1 to 1 step-1
Uninstall Sha(I)
For I = 1 to 10.
Load Sha(I): Sha(I). Visible = true
Timer 1. Interval = 20
Timer 1. Enabled = true
End joint
Private sub-timer 1_Timer ()
Static n is single.
Dim X means single, y means single, w means single, s means single.
W = 0. 1
N = n+comprehensive available order quantity/30
If n & gtctP * 2 and then n = 0.
For I = 0 to Sha. Count-1
S = n + I * ctP * 2 / Sha。 count
If S & gtctP * 2 then S = S-ctP * 2.
Call GetXY(S, x, y)
Sand (me). Move X-W, Y+W, W * 2, W * 2.
End joint