How to use the mode tool of KeyShot
In the scene tree window, right-click the model and select Production Mode to open the Mode Tool Panel. Pattern tools in KeyShot can create instances instead of copying model data to improve speed and reduce model size.
Create a pattern in a linear or circular form.
Example (linear)
Allows you to set the number of instances created along the x, y, and z axes.
Count (circle)
Allows you to set the number of instances arranged around the axis.
Interval (linear)
You can set the interval of x, y and z axis instances.
Instances can be rotated along the Y axis of each local visit and dynamically positioned in the scene. Use this field to select the angle at which the instance rotates along the y axis.
Randomly placing patterned objects is very useful for scenes that need more randomly distributed objects.
Shift mainly controls the offset of the original pattern matrix.
Y rotation can change the number of random rotations of an object on the Y axis.
Center the mode in the scene.
Resize the environment
Automatically increase the size of the environment to fit all instances.
Enable this function to make the camera move automatically and add all instances in the field of view.
In the scene tree, right-click the patterned object and select Edit Mode to open the mode window for modification.
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