The white line, pink line, yellow line, green line, and red line represent the 5/10/20/30/60/120 daily moving average respectively. The numbers corresponding to the lines of the same color are the averages of different days. share price.
K line is also called Yin and Yang line, bar line, red and black line or candle line. After the stock price has been trading for a period of time, a special area or form will be formed on the chart. Different forms show different meanings.
The K-line chart originated from the Tokugawa shogunate period in Japan. It was used by merchants in the Japanese rice market to record the market conditions and price fluctuations of the rice market. It was later introduced to the stock market because of its delicate and unique marking method. and futures markets.
Through the K-line chart, the market conditions of each day or a certain period can be completely recorded. The three K-line combinations of insertion line, holding line and positive stimulus line are the most common classic bottoming forms.
The K-line represents a technical analysis chart of price changes within a unit time period. The so-called K-line chart is a daily, weekly, and monthly opening price, closing price, highest price, and The lowest price and other rising and falling changes are displayed graphically.
The K-line chart is intuitive, has a strong three-dimensional sense, and carries a large amount of information. It can predict the market outlook more accurately and is a widely used technical analysis method today.