Can't win, keep it; But the winner, attack also. If there are not enough rules, there will be more attacks. Those who are good at defending hide under nine places and those who are good at attacking move above nine days, so as to protect themselves and win all the games.
Seeing victory is not known to everyone, and bad people are also good; If you win, the world will be fine, and the good of bad people will be good. Therefore, it is not enough to look at the sun and the moon for eyesight, nor to listen to thunder for hearing. In ancient times, a good fighter was better than an easy winner. Therefore, a good soldier wins without wisdom, fame and courage. Therefore, if you lose, if you are unbeaten, you will win, and if you win, you will also lose. Therefore, a good soldier is in an invincible position without losing to the enemy's failure. Therefore, the victorious soldiers win first and then fight, and the defeated soldiers win first and then fight. Those who make good use of soldiers can cultivate the law and protect it, so it can be a winning or losing strategy.
Sun Tzu's Art of War: once you say degree, twice you say quantity, three times you say number, four times you say weight, and five times you say victory. The degree of birth, the degree of birth, the number of births, the number of births, and the number of births are all said to be victories. Therefore, if the victorious soldier is called Thai baht, if the defeated soldier is called Thai baht. The winner is the people, and the water will definitely accumulate in a stream of thousands of miles, so it will be shaped.