Weifang Changyi Futures Exchange Address
Weifang Changyi Futures Exchange is located in Block A, Floor 0/2, Hai Yin Henderson Building, No.338 Dongfeng East Street, Kuiwen District, Weifang City. The futures exchange is the place to buy and sell futures contracts and the core of the futures market. It is a non-profit organization, but its non-profit only means that the exchange itself does not conduct trading activities, and it does not mean that it does not attach importance to interest accounting. In this sense, the exchange is also a financially independent for-profit institution, which realizes reasonable economic benefits, including membership fee income, transaction fee income, information service income and other income, on the basis of providing traders with open, fair and just trading places and effective supervision services. A set of institutional rules formulated by it provides a self-management mechanism for the whole futures market, which enables the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality of futures trading to be realized.