What are the conditions for brokers to exercise their right to claim compensation?
In any of the following circumstances: (1) The trustee-trader has fulfilled all the contractual obligations according to the instructions and requirements of the trustor, and has the right to request full remuneration; (2) Where the entrustment contract is terminated in advance due to the client's failure to perform part or all of the contractual obligations, the trustee-trader may request to pay the full remuneration; (3) If the trustee-trader partially completes the entrusted affairs, he may request payment for the completed part. The amount of remuneration is generally agreed by both parties to the contract in advance, and if there are state regulations, they shall be implemented in accordance with state regulations. In principle, the remuneration shall be paid after the entrusted affairs are completed, but if the parties agree to pay in advance or in installments, it may also be implemented in accordance with the agreement. If the price of the consignment goods is higher than the original agreement, or the remuneration paid for the purchase of the goods is lower than the original agreement, it may be agreed to increase the remuneration in proportion. If the remuneration paid by the trustor to the trustee-trader exceeds the performance period stipulated in the contract, it shall bear the responsibility of not paying the remuneration within the time limit, at which time the trustee-trader has a lien on the entrusted property. According to the provisions of the Guarantee Law on the retained property, if the trustee fails to fulfill the reminder within a reasonable period after the trustee has retained the entrustment, the trustee-trader may exercise the lien. After the retained property is discounted, auctioned or sold, the rest is owned by the trustee. If the result is not enough to pay the remuneration of the trustee-trader, the trustee-trader has the right to request the trustee to continue to pay off. Article 422 of the Contract Law stipulates: "If the trustee-trader completes or partially completes the entrusted affairs, the trustor shall pay corresponding remuneration to him. If the trustor fails to pay the remuneration within the time limit, the trustee-trader shall have a lien on the trustor, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Item 1 of Article 426 of the Contract Law stipulates: "If the trustee-trader facilitates the establishment of the contract, the trustor shall pay the remuneration as agreed. "According to the above provisions of the Contract Law, the broker shall exercise the right of claim after meeting the following conditions: (1) The contract between the principal and the counterpart is established. The broker's claim is based on the establishment of the contract, and there is no need to ask whether the contract will be fulfilled or terminated after its establishment. (2) The contract between the principal and the counterpart is valid. If the contract concluded between the client and the counterpart is invalid or cancelled, it shall be deemed invalid from the beginning, and the broker shall not ask for remuneration. (3) The contract between the principal and the counterpart is a contract entrusted by the principal. (4) There is a causal relationship between the contract between the principal and the counterpart and the intermediary's behavior, that is, the contract between the principal and the third party is the result of the intermediary's behavior.