Where there is bitcoin in the account of this exchange, all the coins are in the big account of the exchange, and trading stops or the exchange runs out of business, then all the coins belong to the actual controller of the exchange (the person who has the key of the big account).
Therefore, if there is an official problem of the exchange, you must contact the official customer service in time to retrieve it. In addition, technologies such as digital assets and blockchain will have unpredictable effects, and problems arising in the development process need to be standardized.
CBDC, the full name of which is Centralbankdigitalcurrencies, is translated into digital currency, the central bank. The Bank of England, the Bank of England, defined it in its research report on CBDC: the central bank digital currency is an electronic form of central bank currency, which can be used by families and enterprises to make payments and store values.
1. The China version of CBDC is described as digital RMB, which is a controllable and anonymous payment tool issued by the People's Bank of China, operated by designated operating institutions and exchanged for the public. It is based on the generalized account system, supports the loose coupling function of bank accounts, is equivalent to banknotes and coins, and has value characteristics and repayment. The DC/EP we are talking about is China's version of digital currency, the central bank, which is translated as "digital currency and electronic payment tools".
2. The Center for International Settlements (BIS) and the Committee on Payment and Market Infrastructure (CPMI), two authoritative international organizations, jointly conducted two questionnaires on more than 6 central banks around the world in 218 and 219. The contents of the questionnaire include the progress of central banks' work on digital currency, the motivation of studying digital currency and the possibility of issuing digital currency. 7% of the central banks have indicated that they are participating in (or will participate in) digital currency's research.
3. People who really own Bitcoin basically don't store tokens online, but store these currencies in the hard disk. The code of Bitcoin is open source, which means that technicians can modify the code and generate a steady stream of virtual currency. It also broke through the "limited total" attribute of Bitcoin. These virtual currencies can be exchanged with legal tender, for example, Bitcoin can be exchanged for Japanese yen, and Japanese yen can be exchanged with almost all legal tender in the world.
In this case, if the number of virtual currencies is arbitrarily increased, the whole international monetary system will have problems. Therefore, on September 4, 217, the central bank stopped the exchange function of the token trading platform, especially the exchange function with legal tender.