1) high (h) the highest price returns to the highest price in this period.
2)LOW(L) Lowest Price Returns the lowest price in this period.
3)CLOSE(C) Closing Price Returns the closing price of the current period.
4) Volume (v) Volume (hand) Returns the current volume.
5)OPEN(O) opening price returns to the opening price of the current period.
6) The number of rising houses in advance returns the number of rising houses in this period. (This function is only valid for large markets. )
7) Decline Decline Number Returns the decline number in this period. (This function is only valid for the market. )
8) Amount turnover (RMB) returns to the current turnover.
9)VOLINSTK positions return to current futures positions.
10) QHJSJ futures settlement price returns the futures settlement price of the current period.
1 1)BUYVOL external disk (hand) returns real-time market data of external disk.
12)SELVOL outer disk (hand) back to the outer disk.
13)ISBUYORDER returns whether the current transaction is active payment. Usage: ISBUYORDER, when the transaction is active buying, it returns 1, otherwise it is 0.
14) dheigh indefinite maximum price returns indefinite maximum price.
15)DOPEN indefinite opening price returns indefinite opening price.
16)DLOW indefinitely lowest price returns indefinitely lowest price.
17)DCLOSE indefinite closing price returns indefinite closing price.
18)DVOL indefinite quantity and price returns indefinite quantity and price.
19)NAMELIKE fuzzy stock name returns whether the stock name starts with a parameter.
Usage: if(NAMELIKE('ST'), x, y);
20)CODELIKE fuzzy stock code returns whether the stock code starts with a parameter.
Usage: if(CODELIKE('600'), x, y);
2 1)INBLOCK belongs to a certain sector, and returns whether the stock belongs to a certain sector.
Usage: if(INBLOCK ('CSI 300'), x, y);