A: technical level; W: actual salary; P: actual working hours GDP: GDP=C+I+G+(X-M)=C+I+G+NX (expenditure method) < P >; GNP: gross national product
NDP: net domestic product (NDP=GDP- depreciation); NNP: net national product (NNP=GNP- depreciation); NI: national income =Y
C: (consumption) household consumption expenditure; PI: personal income; DPI: disposable personal income; CPI: Consumer price index; PPI: producer price index
CRB: commodity futures price index; L: total labor force (l = n+u); U: unemployment rate (u = u/l); N: employment rate (n=N/L)
ECI: employment cost index; N: employment; U: unemployment
I: (investment) enterprise investment
G: (government purchase) government purchase expenditure; T: (tax) government tax; TR: government transfer payment
NX: net export (x-m; X: export, m: import)
i: investment; S: savings; T: taxes; G: government purchase; X: exit; M: import; Y: disposable income
APC: average consumption tendency; MPC: marginal propensity to consume; APS: average propensity to save; MPS: marginal propensity to save
MDT: demand for transactional money
Ki: investment multiplier (+); Kg: government purchase multiplier (+); Kt: tax multiplier (-); KB: balanced budget multiplier (KB = kg+KT = 1); Ktr: government transfer payment multiplier; Kx: export multiplier; Km: import multiplier
K: capital stock (ΔK=i )
R: present value or principal; Rn: the sum of future income or final value principal and interest in the nth year; R: annual interest rate; Rn=R(1+r)n
Pk: the supply price of capital goods; MEC: marginal efficiency of capital, which is a discount rate
d: the response of investment demand to interest rate changes; E: spontaneous investment
α: marginal propensity to save; β: marginal propensity to consume
I: investment; S: savings
IS curve _: the equilibrium of commodity market; LM curve: equal supply and demand of money
MS: nominal money supply; V: the speed of money circulation; L: money demand; English: Currency trading demand and prevention demand; L2: Speculative demand for money; L1(y): the demand for transaction currency; L2(y): speculative money demand
M: money supply (nominal); M: money supply (actual); MD: total money demand
GT: government transfer payment; GP: government purchase; NT: government net tax = government purchase GP
EX: export; IM: import
k: the reaction degree of the demand for transaction currency to the change of income; H: The response of speculative money demand to interest rate changes.