The value of sports shoes is not just for wearing. Some sneakers with advanced workmanship or artists' joint names can even be sold as luxury goods. It can be seen that the status of sneakers is also very high.
So what's the price of sneakers abroad? Will it become very cheap without exchange rate, customs and other factors?
In foreign countries, the price of sneakers is generally not much different from that in China, so it will be cheaper if the tax refund is given.
It will be cheaper if you discount, but there are also some strange shoes. Like in China, one of the reasons why sneakers look so expensive is that they are priced according to the domestic exchange rate. So it will definitely look expensive.
Don't think that AJ coconut is fried by domestic shoe stores. In fact, the words of shoe manufacturers are the same at home and abroad, and they will be found everywhere.
Moreover, some joint-name funds can't be bought at home at all, so they have to queue up to buy them abroad. Then through the hands of shoe dealers, the price of sneakers is naturally much more expensive. After all, things are scarce, so the more precious sneakers are, the more expensive they are.
Some AJ with closed color matching will be discounted, which is cheaper abroad and can be almost cheaper at home. You can get a discount abroad, but can't you buy it at home? Unless this color scheme is not sold in China.
New love started at a discount, and the cheapest in China is about 600. The market price at that time was around 858. So sometimes, timing is also very important.
In fact, the pursuit of sneakers originated from abroad. I learned from the watermelon video that many well-known sneaker brands are also foreign companies, and foreign stars also like to wear shoes and bring goods. When the traffic effect comes out or sports events, it also provides a large part of traffic.
Natural fans will also pay the bill, partly because people nowadays are more and more spiritual. After all, in this era of solving food and clothing, spiritual pursuit is also what people want.
However, in addition to foreign brands, domestic sports shoes brands are also slowly moving abroad. After all, the rapid development of science and technology products in China in recent years is obvious to all.
And most domestic products have a good reputation for good quality and low price. Therefore, its strength should not be underestimated, the national fashion style is still popular in China, and some brands have also participated in the International Fashion Week. At this point, it also proves the strength of domestic sneaker culture.