Dare; Dare to do it; Arouse (someone). Do sth); Ask (someone) if he has the courage (to do something).
The intransitive verb dares; Dare; Bold; bold
Auxiliary. Bold, bold
Challenge [challenge]
Future [English] [? fju:t? ] [America] [? fjut? ]
In the future; In the future; [Grammar] Future tense
Future; [American Slang] A fiancee; future
Greetings to [Britain] [?ri: t] [America] [Ω rit]
Welcome, welcome; Salute, salute; Come into view (a sight, sound, etc)
Fluency [English] [smu:? ] [America] [smu? ]
Smooth; Smooth; Soft; Gentle, quiet
Smooth; Eliminate, eliminate; Calm down; elegant
Become calm and gentle
flat ground
Hang [English] [h? ] [America] [h? ]
Hang up; Hang (press); Sticking and decorating; put asid
Intransitive verb suspension; Be hanged; Attach to, rely on; be unresolved/unsettled
Hanging type; Pause; The main ideas and viewpoints of Kou; Practice, know-how
Wing [English] [wi? ] [America] [w? ]
Wing; Fly; Faction, faction
Put on wings ...; Enable or enable flight; Planes flew by in formation.
Yard [UK ][j:d][ USA ][j:rd]
Yard; Code (equal to 3 feet or 36 inches or 0.9 144 meters); Site; courtyard
Naughty [England] [? n? : ti] [America] [? n? ti ]
Naughty; Disobedient; Vulgar; salacious
Be careful [English] k? Ful] [America] [? k? rf? l ]
Be careful; Be careful; Considerate
Too many. You can look up words in iciba and have plenty of food and clothing.