In addition to explaining the execution, Python also supports pseudo-compilation to convert the source code into bytecode to optimize the running speed of the program and keep the source code secret, and supports the use of py2exe, pyinstaller, cx_Freeze or other similar tools to package Python programs and all their dependent libraries into executable programs that extend the program name exe, so that they can run independently on the Windows platform without Python interpreter environment and related dependent libraries.
Python supports imperative programming, functional programming and object-oriented programming, with concise syntax and a large number of mature extension libraries, which support application development in almost all fields. Some people like to call Python "glue language" because it can integrate programs written in different languages, realize seamless splicing, give full play to the advantages of different languages and tools, and meet the needs of different application fields.
language feature
Simplicity: Python is a language that represents simple ideas. Reading a good Python program is just like reading English. It allows you to focus on solving problems instead of understanding the language itself.
Easy to learn: Python is very easy to use because its documentation is very simple.
Easy to read and maintain: clear and unified style, forced indentation.
Speed: The bottom layer of Python is written in C language, and many standard libraries and third-party libraries are also written in C, which runs very fast.
Free and open source: Python is a kind of FLOSS. Users can freely distribute copies of the software, read its source code, modify it, and use some of it in the new free software. FLOSS is based on the concept that a group shares knowledge.