Entering Tibet, the road is hard, the situation is changeable and the accommodation conditions are not very good. These all need to be prepared. The equipment to be prepared mainly includes: a set of stormtroopers, a set of cashmere, a set of quick-drying clothes, two sets of raincoats and underwear, a pair of ID cards and border guards, a pair of high-top hiking shoes and wear-resistant rubber shoes, two pairs of thick insoles, a pair of stockings and optical socks, leggings, hats, wind headscarves and non-slip gloves.
About 45 liters of hiking bags, hiking poles, backpack rain cover, dozens of plastic bags, a roll of wide adhesive tape, rubber bands, several quick hooks, Yunnan Baiyao spray, anti-mosquito spray, commonly used drugs, band-AIDS, flashlight headlights, lighters, cigarettes (used to deal with grasshoppers), kettles, salt, sugar, compressed biscuits, chocolate (used to quickly replenish physical strength) and so on.
Basic information
Traveling means walking along the mountain road. There is still a difference between hiking and mountain climbing. Hiking routes can be long or short, and hiking is very popular among people. The reason lies in the natural scenery and human landscape along the way. In addition, exotic flowers, rare birds and animals along the way also add a lot of color to hiking. Mountain scenery may be the most attractive part of hiking, but travelers will also find other attractions: beautiful small mountain villages, unique houses, neat Shan Ye and charming temples.
Going up, green land, miles of forests, fast-flowing streams and unfathomable canyons replace the scenery. The mountain scenery changes with the seasons, but it is always a charming scene. Of course, your hiking companion is also an important reason for happy travel, and traveling can enhance the friendship between friends.