Lang Lang is older than Gina 12 years old. They both have a good talent for music. Lang Lang met Gina when he was abroad. When Gina first met Lang Lang, she was deeply attracted by Lang Lang. There is nothing to say about Lang Lang's accomplishments in music. Gina is a girl who loves music very much and is naturally attracted by Lang Lang's talent. Gina and Lang Lang are both pianists, and they have many common topics in music. After a long time, they established deep feelings, then developed into lovers, and then got married.
Gina is talented not only in music, but also in language. She can speak many languages and began to teach herself Chinese after she met Lang Lang. Gina looks very beautiful. She has a lot of acting experience, and there are many similarities with Lang Lang's experience. Lang Lang and Gina are in tune in every way. As musicians, they have many opportunities to meet. Gina and Lang Lang like each other, and they had a happy wedding in France. The combination of musicians has made many people optimistic, and people have expressed their blessings.
Lang Lang's musical strength is impeccable. When two people stand together, they look perfect, not only in knowledge, but also in three views. Lang Lang did not shy away from expressing his love for Gina in public, saying that they were not only husband and wife, but also bosom friends. Lang Lang and Gina participated in variety shows together, and their performance in variety shows made them like each other very much. They are tolerant and understand each other together, hoping to go on together.