ZLCM:=EMA(WINNER(CLOSE)*7,3); Main chip estimation
SHCM:= EMA((WINNER(CLOSE * 1. 1)-WINNER(CLOSE * 0.9))* 8,3); {Retail Chip Estimation}
ZSHTL:= SHCM/(ZLCM+SHCM)* 10; {Retail investors lock the chip ratio}
ZCMZL:=MA(ZLCM+SHCM, 13); {Total market chips}
ZZNTS:= bars last(ZSHTL & lt; 9? And then what? REF(ZSHTL, 1)>9); {the day of herding cattle}
Midline strength: if (zlcm/(zlcm+shcm) * 20-4 > 0,2 * (zlcm/(zlcm+shcm) * 20-4), 0), COLORRED, LINETHICK2{ master chip ratio}
ZZLJJ:=EMA (strong midline, 89);
ZJLRQD:=IF(INTPART (centerline strength-zzljj) > 0, INTPART (centerline strength -ZZLJJ)- 1, 0); {Intensity of capital inflow}
Short-term strength: IF(ZJLRQD & gt;; 0? And then what? C & gtREF(C, 1),ZJLRQD* 1.5,0),LINETHICK3,COLORMAGENTA
Short-term strength minus yesterday: short-term strength -REF (short-term strength, 1), LINETHICK0.
DKB:=IF (centerline strength -REF (centerline strength, 1)>ZSHTL-REF(ZSHTL, 1), 1, 0);
Main control chip
Adhesion line (C>0, strong midline, 0,3,0), colored;
Bottom foxhole
Adhesion line (ZSHTL & gt= 90°, strong center line, 0,3,0), COLOR66FFCC.
Retail lock-in coefficient: = intpart (zshtl);
Midline control panel: INTPART /5, COLORYELLOW, LINETHICK2.
Short-term oversold: IF(-ZJLRQD & gt;; 0,ZJLRQD,0),LINETHICK2,COLORBLUE
STICKLINE (short-term oversold, ZJLRQD, 0,3,0), COLORBLUE
Total market chips: = int part (zcmzl); ?
STICKLINE (short-term strength, zjlrqd *1.5,0,3,0), magenta in color;
Adhesion line (center panel, center panel, 0, 3, 0), yellow in color;