It is worth noting that the exchange can adjust the specific price and price of options, which we need to pay attention to and calculate according to relevant announcements.
What is the formula for calculating the specific increase of options?
1 contract price = settlement price before contract+/-maximum price limit.
2 Maximum increase of call option =max{ the former closing price of the contract target× 0.5%, min [(2× the former closing price of the contract target-exercise price), the former closing price of the contract target ]× 10%}
3. Maximum decline of call option = closing price before contract target × 10%
4 Maximum increase of put option =max{ exercise price ×0.5%, min [(2× exercise price-price before closing of contract target), price before closing of contract target] × 10%}
5 The maximum decline of put option = the previous closing price of the contract target × 10%.