Buy limit-when the buy price in the real-time market quotation reaches or is lower than the open price, a long position (buy) is established. The pending order price should be lower than the market quotation at the time of placing the order;
Buy Stop Loss-When the buy price in the real-time market quotation reaches or exceeds the pending order price, establish a long position (buy). The pending order price should be higher than the market quotation at the time of placing the order;
Selling Limit-When the selling price in the real-time market quotation reaches or exceeds the opening price, a short position (selling) is established. The pending order price should be higher than the market quotation at the time of placing the order;
Selling Stop Loss-When the selling price in the real-time market quotation reaches or is lower than the pending price, a short position (selling) is established. The pending order price should be lower than the market quotation at the time of placing the order.