The world's largest silver ETF fund: iShares Silver Trust silver ETF position time position (ounce) position (ton) total value (USD) position increase or decrease (ounce) 2013/4/22336007785.80104510/kloc. kloc-0/3/4/2 1338 224.70 20 13/4/2 344, 128,478. 10 10,703.59 2,2 12, 1 13.00 0 20 13/4/ 1 344, 128, 478. 10 10,703.59 1,524,695.00 0 20 13/3/28 344, 128,478. 10 10,703.59 1,068, 7 10.00 0 20 13/3/27 344, 128,478. 10 10, 703.59 1,620,93 1.00 483, 155.00 20 13/3/26 343,645, 323. 10 10,688.56 567, 49 1.00 0 20 13/3/25 343,645,323. 10 10,688.56 732,255.00 0 20 13/3/22 343,645, 323. 10 10, 688.56 1,049,733.00 1,69 1, 16 1.50 20 13/3/2 1 34 1,954, 16 1.60 10, 635.96 890,648.00 1,69 1, 182.50 20 13/3/20 340,262,979. 10 10,583.36 737, 566.00 0 20 13/3/ 19 340,262,979. 10 10,583.36 89 1,848.00 -4,832,080.00 20 13/3/ 18 345,095, 059. 10 10,733.66 794,296.00 0 20 13/3/ 15 345,095,059. 10 10,733.66 8 10,769.00 966, 468.00 20 13/3/ 14 344, 128,59 1. 10 10,703.60 1,098,463.00 0 20 13/3/ 13 344, 128, 59 1. 10 10,703.60 975,688.00 0 20 13/3/ 12 344, 128,59 1. 10 10, 703.60 752,749.00 1,836, 369.00 20 13/3/ 1 1 342,292,222. 10 10,646.48 537,683.00 0 20 13/3/8 342, 292,222. 10 10,646.48 2, 020,7 17.00 0 20 13/3/7 342,292,222. 10 10,646.48 89 1, 604.00 0 20 13/3/6 342,292,222. 10 10, 646.48 1,803,327.00 0 20 13/3/5 342,292,222. 10 10, 646.48 849,4 17.00 0 20 13/3/4 342,292, 222. 10 10,646.48 1,03 1,5 16.00 - 140, 982.90 20 13/3/ 1 342,433,205.00 10,650.86 1, 127,750.00 386,667.20 20 13/2/28 342,046,537.80 10, 638.84 1,580,594.00 676,677.40 20 13/2/27 34 1,369, 860.40 10,6 17.79 1, 142,868.00 483, 345.00 20 13/2/26 340,886,5 15.40 10,602.76 2,427, 793.00 0 20 13/2/25 340,886,5 15.40 10, 602.76 1,350,337.00 0 20 13/2/22 340,886,5 15.40 10, 602.76 1,830,526.00 0 20 13/2/2 1 340,886, 515.4010,602.762,055,895.002,030,225.40 2013/2/20 338,855 In the professional ETF position chart, we can also see the closing price of silver and the change rate of ETF positions.
As can be seen from the trend chart of silver ETF, silver price and ETF positions complement each other and restrict each other.
1, the relationship between silver price trend and silver ETF positions;
The insiders believe that from the long-term silver price chart, every big change in silver price has a lot to do with the large-scale throwing or inhaling of silver by silver ETF. Whenever the position of silver ETF reaches a new high, the price of silver will also reach a new high; Silver ETF shows that the increase in silver selling volume will also greatly suppress the price of silver.
2. Silver price trend and silver ETF position trend:
The trend of silver price and the trend of silver ETF positions are fluctuating and rising, and tend to be consistent. The price of silver rose from $8.82/oz in early 2006 to $32/oz, and the position of silver ETF also increased, from 653. 17 tons in 2006 to 10469 tons.
3. The influence of silver price on silver ETF position:
It can be seen from the trend chart of silver ETF holdings that whenever the price of silver goes up, it will greatly affect the increase and decrease of silver holdings, which has a great impact on silver ETF.
4. authoritative silver ETF chart: iShares silver trust silver ETF
Historical charts and real-time data of IShares Silver Trust silver ETF can be found at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Domestic users can inquire on relevant professional websites.