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The difference between trading with Marsh Brothers and short-term heroes
The core part is the same, but the interface of "Brother Trading" is more fancy than "Short-term Hero".

Now post two formulas, and I can compare them myself.

{Brother Trade}

Power lines: MA(C, 5), LINETHICK3, COLOR00CCFF.

Bull-bear line: Ma (c, 13), circled with dots and yellow;

Lifeline: horse (c, 34), circle dot, magenta color;


MA 10:=MA(C, 10);



Five-day deviation rate: = (c-ma05)/ma05 *100;

BB05:=ATAN((MA05/REF(MA05, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;

Speed 5: = SMA (EMA ((ma05-ref (ma05, 1))/ref (ma05, 1), 3) *100,3,1);

Acceleration 5:=EMA ((speed 5-REF (speed 5, 1)), 3), NODRAW.

IF(BB05 & gt; 30 and MA05 & gtREF(MA05, 1), MA05, DRAWNULL), LINETHICK3, COLORRED.

bb 10:= ATAN((ma 10/REF(ma 10, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;

If (BB05 & lt0 and MA05 & ltREF(MA05, 1), MA05, DRAWNULL), LINETHICK3, COLORGREEN.

30-day deviation rate: = (c-ma30)/ma30 * 100, no draw;

Var 1: = (ma20-ma30) > ref ((ma20-ma30), 1) and MA20 & gtREF(MA20,1) and MA30 & gtREF(MA30,1)

var 2:=(MA30-MA20)& lt; REF((MA30-MA20), 1) and MA20 & ltREF(MA20, 1) and MA30 & ltREF(MA30,1);

BB30:=ATAN((MA30/REF(MA30, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;

Strong sniper: = filter (BB30 & gt30 and bb10 > 45 and cross (bb05,60),10);

Masukura: = filter (count (cross (bb05,30), 5) > = 1 and MA05 & gtREF(MA05, 1) and thirty-day deviation rate >: ref (thirty-day deviation rate, 1) and ma/kloc. REF(MA 10, 1)

And acceleration 5 >REF (acceleration 5, 1) and speed 5 >; REF (speed 5, 1),10);

Clearance: = filter (count (cross (30, bb05), 5) > = 1 and (C & gtMA30 or O & gtMA30) and MA05 & ltREF(MA05, 1) and 30-day deviation rate < REF (30-day deviation rate

DRAWTEXT (jiacang, low *0.98,' ◆ plus two'), COLORYELLOW

JC:=CROSS(0, five-day deviation rate) and thirty-day deviation rate.

Reduce the position: =FILTER(JC,10);

MR:=COUNT(CROSS (five-day deviation rate, 0), 3)>= 1 and thirty-day deviation rate > REF (thirty-day deviation rate, 1) and MA05 & gtREF(MA05, 1) and (C/REF(C). 5 and REF(C,1) < MA30

Buy: = filter (MR,10);

DRAWTEXT (lightening position, high * 1.02,' ◆ risk'), COLORCYAN

DRAWTEXT (buy, low *0.96,' ◆ buy two'), COLORYELLOW

DRAWTEXT (clearance,HIGH* 1.00,'◆ clearance '),COLORGREEN

VAR2 1:=MAX(ABS (high amount /VOL/ 100), ABS (amount /VOL/ 100- low);

VAR3:=ABS ((opening+closing) /2- amount/vol/100);

MV:=(var 2 1+var 3)/AMOUNT * VOL * 100 * 50;

Pressure: ma (ref (HHV (c, 30), 1), 2), color9dffff.

Support: Ma (ref (,c, 30), 1), 2), Colora BFF46.

{color K line}

TYX3:=MA(REF(HHV((C+L+O+H)/4,30), 1),3);

TYX4:=MA((C+L+O+H)/4, 13);

TYX5:=EMA((C+L+O+H)/4,2 1);

Hollow red

Adhesion lines (C & ltTYX5 and C>o, h, l, 0, 0), COLORRED.

Adhesion lines (C & ltTYX5 and C>O, c, o, 3, 1), COLORRED.

{dark green}

Adhesion lines (C & ltTYX5 and C<o, h, l, 0,0), COLOR007700.

Adhesive lines (C & ltTYX5 and C<O, c, o, 3, 0), COLOR005500.

Adhesive lines (C & ltTYX5 and C<O, c, o, 2, 0), COLOR006600.

Adhesion lines (C & ltTYX5 and C<O, c, o, 1, 0), COLOR007700.


Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX5 and C<o, h, l, 0, 0), COLORFFDD44.

Adhesive lines (C & gtTYX5 and C<O, c, o, 3, 0), COLORFF7700.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX5 and C<O, c, o, 2, 0), COLORFFAA22

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX5 and C<O, c, o, 1, 0), COLORFFDD44.


Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX5 and C>o, h, l, 0, 0), COLOR00EEFF.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX5 and C>O, c, o, 3, 0), COLOR00AAFF.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX5 and C>O, c, o, 2, 0), COLOR00CCFF.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX5 and C>O, c, o, 1, 0), COLOR00EEFF.


Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX4 and C>o, h, l, 0, 0), COLORFF66AA.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX4 and C>O, c, o, 3, 0), colorff11ff;

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX4 and C>O, c, o, 2, 0), COLORFF44FF.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX4 and C>O, c, o, 1, 0), COLORFF66FF.

Bright gray

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX4 and C<o, h, l, 0, 0), COLOR999999.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX4 and C<O, c, o, 3, 0), COLOR555555.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX4 and C<O, c, o, 2, 0), COLOR777777.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX4 and C<O, c, o, 1, 0), COLOR999999.


Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX3 and C>o, h, l, 0, 0), COLOR0000DD.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX3 and C>O, c, o, 3, 0), COLOR000099.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX3 and C>O, c, o, 2, 0), COLOR0000BB.

Adhesion lines (C & gtTYX3 and C>O, c, o, 1, 0), COLOR0000DD.

{Up-down K-line}

STICKLINE (high = low, closed = open and (CLOSE/REF(CLOSE,1)) > 1.048, high, low, 3,0), COLORRED

Glue line (high = low, closed = open and (REF(CLOSE, 1)/CLOSE)> 1.048, high, low, 3,0), COLOR00FF00.


Adhesion line (ref (count (c <: Tyx3,5) = 5, 1) and C & gtTYX3 and C>O, c, o, 1, 0), COLOR00CCFF.

{buying and selling master map}

MA 18:=MA (closing,18);

MTM:=C-REF(C, 1);

DX:= 100*EMA(EMA(MTM,6),6)/EMA(EMA(ABS(MTM),6),6);

Buy: = llv (dx, 2) = llv (dx, 7) and count (dx < 0, 2) and CROSS(DX, MA(DX, 2));

DRAWTEXT(FILTER (buy = 1,5),LOW,'★ buy one '),COLORRED

Add1:= ma18 > = ref (ma18,3) and CROSS(CLOSE, ma18);

DRAWTEXT (plus 1, low *0.99,' ★ plus one'), COLORCC66FF.

Sell one: = HHV (dx, 2) = HHV (dx, 7) and count (dx > 50, 2) and cross (MA(DX, 2), dx);

DRAWTEXT(FILTER(sell one = 1, 1),high * 1.0 1,' sell one '),COLORGREEN

{Bull and bear take all}

Aa 1:= amount/v;

bb 1:= L & lt; aa 1 * 0.9;

CC 1:=(C-REF(C, 1))/REF(C, 1)* 100 & gt; 1.2;

DD 1:= L & lt; MA(C,5)* 0.92 1;

ee 1:= V & lt; MA(V,5)* 1.5;

FF 1:=BB 1 and CC 1 and DD 1 and EE1;

DRAWTEXT(FF 1, LOW*0.99,' mouse warehouse'), COLOR4080FF.

{Predicting tomorrow}

XXS:=MA(LOW,5)*( 1-5/ 100);

XXS 1:=MA (high, 5) * (1+5/100);

Average value: =C, COLORGREEN.

AAAA:=CLOSE/REF(CLOSE,3)& lt; =0.85 and crosses (c, XXS) and C & gtREF(C, 1), LINETHICK0.

DRAWTEXT(AAAA, L*0.95, "buy in the shadow"), the color is red;


DRAWTEXT(CROSS(XXS 1, c), h,' escape at the beginning'), COLORWHITE

DDDD:=CROSS(C,xxs 1);

DRAWTEXT(DDDD, h,' leave tomorrow'), COLORYELLOW

{Brother indicator}

AAA:=MA (low, 5) * (1-5/100);


DRAWTEXT(CROSS(BBB, L) and BBB & gtREF(BBB, 1), L*0.98,' Brother's comeback'), COLORWHITE.

Tianhe index

DIF:=EMA (closing, 12)-EMA (closing, 26);


Drawtext (ref (cross (DEA, DIF), 1) and cross (DIF, DEA), L * 0.97,' ← Tianhe belongs to the horse'), COLORMAGENTA.

{The sooner the better}

VSR2:=(CLOSE-LLV (low, 20))/(HHV (high, 20)-LLV (low, 20)) *100;

VSR3:=SMA(VSR2,4, 1);

VSR4:=SMA(VSR3,2, 1);

DRAWTEXT(vs R4 & gt; 82 and VSR3 & gt89, HHV(C, 30)* 1.02,' closed'), COLORGREEN.


{Short-term hero}


MA 10:=MA(C, 10);



Five-day deviation rate: = (c-ma05)/ma05 *100;

BB05:=ATAN((MA05/REF(MA05, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;

Speed 5: = SMA (EMA ((ma05-ref (ma05, 1))/ref (ma05, 1), 3) *100,3,1);

Acceleration 5:=EMA ((speed 5-REF (speed 5, 1)), 3), NODRAW.

IF(BB05 & gt; 30 and MA05 & gtREF(MA05, 1), MA05, DRAWNULL), LINETHICK3, COLORRED.

bb 10:= ATAN((ma 10/REF(ma 10, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;

If (BB05 & lt0 and MA05 & ltREF(MA05, 1), MA05, DRAWNULL), LINETHICK3, COLORGREEN.

30-day deviation rate: = (c-ma30)/ma30 * 100, no draw;

Var 1: = (ma20-ma30) > ref ((ma20-ma30), 1) and MA20 & gtREF(MA20,1) and MA30 & gtREF(MA30,1)

var 2:=(MA30-MA20)& lt; REF((MA30-MA20), 1) and MA20 & ltREF(MA20, 1) and MA30 & ltREF(MA30,1);

BB30:=ATAN((MA30/REF(MA30, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;

Strong sniper: = filter (BB30 & gt30 and bb10 > 45 and cross (bb05,60),10);

Masukura: = filter (count (cross (bb05,30), 5) > = 1 and MA05 & gtREF(MA05, 1) and thirty-day deviation rate >: ref (thirty-day deviation rate, 1) and ma/kloc. REF(MA 10, 1)

And acceleration 5 >REF (acceleration 5, 1) and speed 5 >; REF (speed 5, 1),10);

Clearance: = filter (count (cross (30, bb05), 5) > = 1 and (C & gtMA30 or O & gtMA30) and MA05 & ltREF(MA05, 1) and 30-day deviation rate < REF (30-day deviation rate

DRAWTEXT (jiacang, low *0.98,' jiacang'), COLORRED

JC:=CROSS(0, five-day deviation rate) and thirty-day deviation rate.

Reduce the position: =FILTER(JC,10);

MR:=COUNT(CROSS (five-day deviation rate, 0), 3)>= 1 and thirty-day deviation rate > REF (thirty-day deviation rate, 1) and MA05 & gtREF(MA05, 1) and (C/REF(C). 5 and REF(C,1) < MA30

Buy: = filter (MR,10);

DRAWTEXT (lightening position, high * 1.02,' ← risk'), COLORCYAN

DRAWTEXT (buy, low *0.98,' ← buy'), COLORYELLOW

DRAWTEXT (clearance,HIGH* 1.02,'← clearance '),COLORGREEN

DRAWTEXT (strong sniper, low *0.98,' ← strong sniper'), COLORYELLOW

VAR2 1:=MAX(ABS (high amount /VOL/ 100), ABS (amount /VOL/ 100- low);

VAR3:=ABS ((opening+closing) /2- amount/vol/100);

MV:=(var 2 1+var 3)/AMOUNT * VOL * 100 * 50;

Pressure: ma (ref (HHV (c, 30), 1), 2), color9dffff.

Support: Ma (ref (,c, 30), 1), 2), Colora BFF46.