Thai baht (ISO 42 17 code: THB) is the official currency of Thailand, which is issued by the Bank of Thailand, the central bank of Thailand. 1 Thai baht is equal to 100 shadang.
exchange rate
RMB to Thai baht is about 1 RMB: 5.0 Thai baht. It can be exchanged in China shops and markets in Thailand, and the exchange rates at other exchange points are even lower. There are many private exchange shops in the street, and the exchange rate of US dollar is around 1 US dollar: 33 baht.
There are not many banks in China that can exchange Thai baht. Generally, you can exchange Thai baht at Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Agricultural Bank of China. Some city outlets need to make an appointment to exchange baht.
UnionPay card can withdraw Thai baht from most ATMs in Thailand, and the exchange rate can refer to UnionPay exchange rate. Since the third quarter of 20 16, the acquirer of UnionPay cards using ATM in Thailand has charged a handling fee of 200 baht for each transaction, and the card-issuing banks in China have also charged a part of the handling fee, and a few commercial banks are exempt from handling fees for overseas cash withdrawals.