For example, enterprises with foreign currency accounts receivable in the future can sell futures contracts for hedging. Requirements: combined with reality, there are figures; Have a calculation
Mainly to prevent the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on corporate profits: accounts payable means that companies need to pay each other foreign currencies in the future. At this time, if the exchange rate rises, the company will pay more local currency to exchange the same amount of foreign currency. If the exchange rate falls, the company can exchange a small amount of local currency for the same amount of foreign currency. For example, in July, enterprises need to pay foreign currency of USD 6,543,800+0,000. If the current exchange rate is 6.0 and the exchange rate becomes 6.5 in July, enterprises need to pay 500,000 yuan more than now. And if the current exchange rate is 6.5 and the exchange rate in July is 6.0, then the enterprise will pay 500,000 RMB less than now. Therefore, for enterprises dealing with foreign currency, the decline of exchange rate and the rise of good things will increase the payment pressure of enterprises. If you buy an exchange rate futures contract, the rising exchange rate futures market will hedge the profits, which will increase the income of the enterprise. Accounts receivable refers to the future foreign currency income of enterprises. At this time, if the exchange rate falls, the equivalent foreign currency held by enterprises will depreciate. For example, in July, the enterprise will account for foreign currency of 6,543,800 USD. If the current exchange rate is 6.5 and the exchange rate becomes 6.0 in July, enterprises will earn 500,000 RMB less than now. And if the current exchange rate is 6.0 and the exchange rate in July is 6.5, then the enterprise will exchange 500,000 RMB more than it is now. Therefore, for foreign currency receivable enterprises, the rise of exchange rate and the decline of good things will reduce the efficiency of enterprises. If the exchange rate futures contract is sold, a hedge will increase the income in the futures market with falling exchange rate.