1. Bring my ID card and go directly to the counter of bank outlets to buy and sell physical gold;
2. Open the mobile banking client and buy gold on the wealth management page. Take China Merchants Bank as an example:
(1) Open the China Merchants Bank APP in the iOS15. version of iPhone13, switch to the wealth management interface, and click Gold to enter;
(2) The gold interface pops up, where gold can be bought for financial management or as a wedding gift. Next, I will talk about how to buy gold for financial management, and click on the current gold purchase (to buy it during trading hours: 9: -22: Monday to Friday except legal holidays);
(3) Select the payment card and purchase gold grams, and click to agree to the agreement and purchase.
there are two kinds of demand for gold: entity demand and investment demand. The former is mainly for jewelry, storage and industry, while the latter is mainly for various gold trading products, such as paper gold, gold options and futures. To a large extent, the investment demand determines the trend of gold price, which is much larger than the physical demand, and the annual global gold supply is roughly the same as the physical demand. The demand for physical gold has little impact on the price of gold. It is the investment demand of gold that has a great influence on the price of gold.
the main markets for gold are London and new york. The fixing price in London in the morning and afternoon has an important influence on the current price of gold, and the gold futures price in the New York Mercantile Exchange is the weather vane of international gold price. The real output value of gold in a year is about $16 billion, which is only equivalent to three days' trading volume in the gold markets of new york and London. Shanghai Gold Exchange and Hong Kong Gold and Silver Trading cannot be compared with the previous two in terms of scale and influence.
the main currency of gold is the dollar, and gold is the enemy of the dollar. Today's monetary system is the dollar standard led by the United States. When the Bretton Woods system collapsed, the United States forced the IMF to stipulate that the currencies of all countries should not be linked to gold, so the dollar became the world currency and reserve currency, and more than half of the world's dollars were not in the hands of the United States. In this way, the United States mastered the initiative of monetary policy, so the international gold price was closely related to the dollar trend, and those factors that affected the dollar trend would be helpful to the analysis of the gold price trend.
the factor of inflation. Gold is regarded as an effective tool to fight inflation. For this problem, we might as well look at it from another angle, that is, refer to the interest rate level. Although gold is expensive, it doesn't bear interest, which is the bane of gold itself. Although it can preserve its value, it doesn't generate income. In a low interest rate environment, the advantage of gold is more prominent, but with the rise of interest rates, this advantage will be weak or even disappear.
hedging function. The so-called prosperity antiques, gold in troubled times, the more turbulent the world situation, the greater the demand for gold. But how to understand their relationship is very important. First, apart from the world war, economic turmoil is the most important issue in all turmoil. So as you can see, in the three years after the financial crisis in 28, the price of gold rose more than in the previous six years. Second, these turmoil should be related to the United States. No matter how war broke out in Africa, Wall Street wouldn't care, but 9.11 was different. It moved to the United States, so there were two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq soon, and the price of gold jumped up with it.