1. Foreign exchange margin is one of the financial derivatives instruments. It is a financial derivative that uses a certain proportion of funds to buy and sell various currencies in the foreign exchange market, and conducts value-added transactions that expand hundreds or even hundreds of times in response to the direction of exchange rate fluctuations. It is also called leveraged foreign exchange. Margin foreign exchange was created in the 1970s.
2. Foreign exchange margin has the characteristics of futures, also known as currency futures. It is a futures contract based on foreign exchange and is the first type of financial futures. It is mainly used to avoid foreign exchange risks, that is, exchange rate risks.
3. Trading foreign exchange requires a dedicated storage and withdrawal account to pay margin and obtain profits.
Then you need a certain amount of funds in this special account before trading.
Deposit means to transfer funds into the account; withdrawal means to withdraw funds from the account (to your usual bank account).
4. There are 2 handling fees, one is outbound and the other is transfer between banks, which is the handling fee from domestic banks to foreign banks.
The general handling fee is calculated on a per-transaction basis. It costs 200 to more than 200 to remit overseas. This is calculated based on the amount of your money. The previous transfer from the bank is about 10 to 20 US dollars