In futures trading, many technical indicators are applied to investment analysis and risk control. Common technical indicators include moving average, RSI, MACD, etc. These indicators can help investors judge trends, identify breakthroughs, and identify overbought and oversold. , and provide extensive information for investors to further analyze market trends and adjust trading strategies. Of course, technical indicators cannot fully predict the market trend, and investors should make investment decisions on the basis of comprehensive application of fundamentals and technologies.
In addition to the basic and technical indicators such as price, trading volume and positions, other factors may also affect the operation of the futures market. For example, political, economic and climatic factors may affect the market, leading to further trading activities. Although these factors are usually unpredictable, they are also one of the important factors affecting the futures market. Investors need to be keenly aware of market changes, formulate investment strategies based on market information analysis, and realize rational investment.
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