It is the limited market theory that allows the market to develop, but it is not the complete market economy theory: the small cage is released and the big cage is locked. The small cage does not let go, it is not attractive, and the audience can't sit still; The big cage is not locked, there is no principle, and the leader can't sit still.
Zhu Jiamu wrote about the origin of the famous metaphor of "birdcage economy": the metaphor of "bird" and "cage" was first put forward by Huang Kecheng on the eve of the 12th Party Congress. He told Chen Yun about rampant economic crimes and chaotic economic order, such as smuggling, tax evasion, illegal construction, and price gouging, and said, "We should enliven the economy … but we should enliven it instead of messing it up. It's like a bird. You can't hold it in your hand. If you hold it in your hand, it will die. Let it fly. But let it fly in the cage, or it will fly away. " Two months later, Chen Yun used this metaphor. The starting point and destination of this metaphor is to invigorate the economy. (Zhu Jiamu: "On Chen Yun's Thought on the Relationship between Planning and Market", in Party Literature 00/3)