It is a server system from the user's point of view, which is connected by multiple SMP servers through a certain node interconnection network, working together to complete the same task. Its basic feature is that multiple SMP servers (each SMP server is called a node) are connected through the node internet, and each node only accesses its own local resources (memory, storage, etc.). ). It is a completely unshared structure, so it has the best scalability. Theoretically, its expansion is infinite.
MPPDB is a distributed parallel structured database cluster without shared architecture, which has the characteristics of high performance, high availability and high scalability. It can provide a cost-effective general computing platform for ultra-large-scale data management, and is widely used to support various data warehouse systems, BI systems and decision support systems. MPP adopts MPP+ fully parallel distributed flat architecture without sharing. In this architecture, each node is independent, self-sufficient and peer-to-peer, and there is no single-point bottleneck in the whole system, which is very scalable.