First of all, for these commodities, they are the raw materials of our daily necessities, especially some crude oil, which must be used in the whole industrial production. So under such circumstances, these commodities are closely related to our daily life, and the economic development of the whole country is also related to the prices of these popular commodities. If the prices of these commodities remain high, it will also have a certain impact on the macroeconomic adjustment of our country. When formulating macroeconomic policies, we will also make corresponding adjustments according to the prices of these commodities.
Secondly, for the whole commodity at present, it will also have a great impact on the whole financial market and futures market. For relevant investors, if similar prices rise sharply, then for these listed companies, their overall share prices will also fluctuate greatly, because these share prices are also closely related to their overall costs. If the prices of these commodities continue to rise, the whole operating costs of these companies will also fluctuate greatly. ?
Secondly, it is closely related to each of us, that is, the price of the whole fuel will rise to a certain extent, and fuel is closely related to each of us. Even if we don't own a car, if we take a taxi or other means of transportation, we will calculate the price of these fuels into our travel cost, which will also affect our daily life. Therefore, the price increase of these commodities has always been closely related to our daily life.