For example, the improvement of silicon wafer and battery technology in photovoltaic power generation in power field, electrification in transportation and industry field, recycling and regeneration in new materials field, energy-saving transformation in construction field, emission reduction technologies related to fertilizer and livestock breeding in agriculture field, carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCUS) technology in negative carbon emission field, smart lifestyle and health in information technology and digitalization field.
The global awareness of "carbon neutrality" will effectively guide the allocation of long-term investment to low-carbon areas, and achieving the goal of "carbon neutrality" means subversive energy revolution, scientific and technological revolution and economic transformation. Compared with developed countries, China faces more difficulties and challenges in achieving carbon neutrality, but it is feasible and can bring multiple benefits.
In the process of realizing "carbon neutrality", cooperation and benign interaction between different subjects in the economic system are needed, especially the government, enterprises and investment institutions should play an indispensable role in the process of carbon neutrality. At the government level, it is necessary to clarify the objectives, price signals and strategic planning; At the enterprise level, carbon accounting should be carried out to promote carbon emission reduction of core business.
Financial institutions should innovate green finance and invest heavily in green technology. Gao Yan Institute of Industry and Innovation and Beijing Institute of Green Finance and Sustainable Development hope to sort out the challenges and opportunities faced by China in the process of achieving the goal of "carbon neutrality" through this cooperative research and seminar, and provide some reference for investment institutions, entrepreneurs and industries to cope with the upcoming global low-carbon transformation wave.