The median price of the yen is generally 0.06 in physical stores.
The exchange rate of Japanese currency against other countries' currencies is called the yen exchange rate. Because of the different names and values of currencies in the world, one country's currency should set an exchange rate for other countries' currencies, that is, the exchange rate. 1998 was the most difficult year for Japan's economic situation. The economic growth rate dropped to -5.3% in the first quarter and to -3.3% in the second quarter, and the bank's bad debts were serious. At the same time, the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia has had a great impact on Japan's overseas export market and investment market, and the Japanese government is helpless about the economic recession, and the frequent economic policies have no effect. People's dissatisfaction triggered the resignation of Hashimoto's cabinet. Since the end of August, the yen has rebounded sharply, because the economic growth of the United States has slowed down and the trade between the United States and Japan has further expanded, which led to the yen rebounding to the price of 1 14.33 in just two months (futures depreciated to 1 yen: 0.6807 cents at the end of August).