currency conversion
1 Australian dollar =0.9806 Canadian dollar.
1 Canadian dollar = 1.0 198 Australian dollar.
Update time of exchange rate buying price and selling price
0.9806 Nannan 07: 13:35
Australian dollar versus Canadian dollar chart (one week):
On July 28th, 20 16, the central parity of Canadian dollar exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market was 1 Australian dollar to Canadian dollar 0.9806 yuan, and 100 Australian dollar to Canadian dollar 98.06 yuan.
Franulovich said, however, Westpac suspects that the recovery of the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Canadian dollar will not last long and the momentum will be dim. Canada's growth prospects in the second half of the year look quite stable, because the local oil industry activities have recovered from the destruction of forest fires, and Trudeau's fiscal stimulus policy has been implemented since the fourth quarter of last year. In this context, we believe that the exchange rate of USD/CAD is more likely to fall to 1.25 than to rise to 1.35 in the second half of 20 16, and USD/CAD will perform better than other currencies.