Off-balance-sheet business in a broad sense includes not only off-balance-sheet business in a narrow sense, but also risk-free business activities such as settlement, agency and consultation, so off-balance-sheet business in a broad sense refers to all businesses engaged by commercial banks that are not reflected in the balance sheet. According to the requirements put forward by the Basel Committee, off-balance sheet business in a broad sense can be divided into two categories: first, contingent claims (debts), that is, off-balance sheet business in a narrow sense. Second, financial services, including: (1) trust and consulting services; (2) Payment and settlement; (3) Agency service; (4) Loan-related services such as loan organization, loan approval and syndicated loan agency. (5) Import and export services, such as agency services, trade declaration, export insurance business, etc.
Compared with international peers, the off-balance-sheet business scope of Chinese commercial banks is relatively narrow and the business volume is relatively small. After China's entry into WTO, they will face the grim situation of competing with many powerful rivals for the domestic off-balance-sheet business market. Domestic commercial banks need to intensify their efforts to rapidly expand off-balance sheet business in a short period of time.
Response time: 2021-12-21. Please refer to the latest business changes announced by Ping An Bank in official website.