VAR 1:=LLV (low, 34);
VAR2:=HHV (high, 30);
var 4:= EMA((CLOSE-var 1)/(var 2-var 1),3)* 100;
The VAR indicator is a variable used for assignment.
LLV(X, n) is the lowest value of X in n period and the lowest value in 40 days.
HHV(X, n) is the highest value of X in the n period, and here is the highest value of the 35-day highest price.
EMA(X, n) is to find the same and different average of X in n period, that is, to find the same and different average of X in four days.
(CLOSE-VARA) Find the closing price of the current period minus VARA VARA, which is the lowest price within 40 days.
What you want is the highest price in 35 days minus the lowest price in 40 days!
VAR formula calculates the "value at risk", that is, the maximum loss that a financial instrument or its combination will face under the fluctuation of future asset prices within a certain confidence level and a certain holding period.
ZL:=SMA(MAX(CLOSE-VAR3,0),7, 1)/SMA(ABS(CLOSE-VAR3),7, 1)* 100;
Cc: ZL, colored white;
SH:= var 4;
VAR5:=(VAR4-LLV(VAR4,2 1))/(HHV(VAR4,2 1)-LLV(VAR4,2 1))* 100;
Q 1:IF(CROSS(VAR5,90)& amp; & ampSH & lt40, 18, 10);
Q2: If (Cross (ZL,12)&; & ampREF(SH,5)& lt; 20 & amp& ampREF(SH,3)& lt; 20, 18, 10);
VY:=SMA ((closing -LLV (low, 18))/(HHV (high, 18)-LLV (low,18)) *100,5,/kloc-.
L2:=SMA(0.6 18*REF(VY, 1)+0.382*VY,3 1);
Velcro tape (L2>;; L3,L3+2,L3-2,COLORRED,0);
Velcro tape (L2 <: =L3,L3+2,L3-2,COLORGREEN,0);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & gt; 0,80,color yellow);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & gt; 0,50,color yellow);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & gt; 0,20,color yellow);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & gt; 0, 10,color yellow);
All the above are calculated according to the VAR formula!
Answer: the so-called top and bottom king is to find the bottom line of futures value! The place with the smallest risk area!
Reference materials!