In the stock index futures market, the open position is one of the important indicators to measure investors' views on the market and their operational level. The position trend can reflect the market situation and trading expectation to a certain extent. If the positions in the stock index futures market continue to rise, it shows that more traders have paid more attention to and expected the shock, rebound and decline of the market.
The increase in positions will also have a certain impact. When the rally continues, the increase in positions may strengthen market sentiment, push up contract prices, and even trigger a certain degree of bubble. However, if the market falls sharply and a large number of positions are closed, the increase in positions may lead to more traders passively closing positions and aggravate market turmoil.
In short, the increase of stock index futures positions means the increase of market trading activity and the change of investors' expectations of the market, but it also needs to be treated cautiously and rationally to avoid the risks and market shocks caused by it.