Stop the car, stop the car. That is, parking gear and parking gear, the mechanical device in the gearbox is used to lock the rotating part of the car. Only when the car comes to a complete stop can P gear be used, and the car must be in P gear when it is turned off.
Reverse, reverse. Change this gear when reversing. It should be noted that under the condition that the vehicle is not completely stopped, do not forcibly shift the R gear, which will cause the transmission to wear.
None, neutral. When you stop for a short time, you will be in neutral. At this time, your right foot can leave the brake pedal to rest, but if it is uphill or downhill, you still need to step on the brake, otherwise it will slip unless you pull the hand to brake the electronic brake.
Forward gear, also called drive gear. When shifting into D gear, the driver only needs to control the accelerator pedal to control the speed, and the transmission will automatically determine the gear according to the size and speed of the accelerator without manual gear shifting.
Low gear. When going up and down slopes and long steep slopes, this gear is put in order to prevent the driver from stepping on the brakes for a long time and causing the brake pads to overheat, because at this time, the transmission only works in the 1 gear and does not change other gears.
Extended data
When shifting gears between N, D and 3 gears, it is not necessary to press the shift key. You must press the shift key when downshifting from 3rd gear to the limit gear, and you don't need to press the shift key when shifting from low gear to high gear.
Never slide into N gear when driving, because the automatic gearbox needs lubrication. When driving, the gear is set above N gear, and the oil pump cannot supply oil and lubricate normally, which will increase the temperature of the components in the gearbox and cause complete damage! In addition, high-speed neutral taxiing is also dangerous and not fuel-efficient. When taxiing at low speed to stop, you can shift into N gear in advance, which has no influence.
Phoenix net-a picture to understand the gear of automatic transmission
People's network-control automatic cars pay attention to these points!