VBS dim tp( 16),a,x,y,linex,liney,bx,by,s,I,jsq
VBS jsjg,jsjiage,jyjg,jyjiage,zdljg,zdljiage,mhjg,mhjiage,hmjg,hmjiage
VBS jszjg,jszjiage,jyzjg,jyzjiage,zdlzjg,zdlzjiage,mhzxjg,mhzxjiage,hmzxjg,hmzxjiage
VBS lhjg,lhjiage,ojg,ojiage,gxjg,gxjiage,sxjg,sxjiage,fzjg,fzjiage
VBS zzjg, zzjiage, cjqsjg, cjqsjiage, zongjiage
//Declare variables
UserVar jsjg= 1 minus the damage low price.
UserVar jyjg= 1 experience low price.
UserVar zdljg=5 low price of combat effectiveness.
UserVar mhjg=3 the price of the demon soul.
UserVar hmjg=7 the price of magic magic.
UserVar jszjg= 15 price of intermediate injury reduction.
UserVar jyzjg= 15 experience intermediate price.
User var zdlzjg = 60 intermediate price of combat power.
UserVar mhzxjg=90 the price of the heart of the demon soul.
UserVar hmzxjg= 120 price in The Machine.
UserVar lhjg=60 the price of the soul
User var ojg = the price of baby 20 o.
UserVar gxjg=6 the price of lone star.
UserVar sxjg=6 the price of two stars.
UserVar fzjg= 15 method of pig price.
UserVar zzjg= 15 the price of the war pig.
UserVar cjqsjg=7 Sha Fei price.
VBS TP(0)= " 1js 1 ":TP( 1)= " 2jyx 1 ":TP(2)= " 3zdx 5 ":TP(3)= " 4mh 4 ":TP(4)= " 5hm 8 ":TP(5)= " 6jsz 15 "
VBS TP(6)= " 7jyz 15 ":TP(7)= " 8zdz 60 ":TP(8)= " 9 mhzx 100 ":TP(9)= " 10 hmzx 120 ":TP( 10)= " 1 1lh 70 ":TP( 1 1)= " 120
VBS TP( 12)= " 13gx 5 ":TP( 13)= " 14sx 5 ":TP( 14)= " 15fz 14 ":TP( 15)= " 16zz 14 ":TP( 16)= " 65438
//Initialize variables, where x is the left side of the area, y is the left side of the area, bx is the bottom of the area, by is the bottom of the area, and s is the number of pictures.
UserVar str 1= "Judge Sha Fei 7 double defense 22 pigs 18 double lone star 8 combat power+1/5", please enter the sentence that automatically shouts 1.
User var str 2 = "The speed of people selling things next to booth1,regardless of the price of things that are not collected", please enter the second sentence of automatic shouting.
UserVar str3= "Judge Knight Sha Fei 7 double defense 22 pigs 18 double lone star 8 combat power+1/5" Please enter the third sentence of automatic shouting.
UserVar str4= "Please put things on quickly, time waits for no one, and the price of confiscated good things does not count." Please enter the fourth automatic call.
UserVar str5= "This is the fifth sentence of automatic shouting". Please enter the fifth automatic call.
UserVar Yanshi=5000 Waiting time between two slogans, 1 sec is 1000.
//* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Delay 4000
Rem started yelling.
Press the key 13 1
Delay 300
SayExpression str 1
Press the key 13 1
Yan Yanshi
Gosub checks the transaction.
Press the key 13 1
Delay 300
SayExpression str2
Press the key 13 1
Gosub checks the transaction.
Yan Yanshi
Press the key 13 1
Delay 300
SayExpression str3
Press the key 13 1
Gosub checks the transaction.
Delay the feast
Rem waited for half a minute before the next round of selling.
Goto began to shout
Subroutine start
Gosub counts the number of projects.
Delay 100
Gosub input price
Delay 100
Gosub transaction waiting
Return to the beginning of the program.
Sub, check if there is a transaction.
VBScall looks up pic (0 0,0,1024,768, "... myphoto business.bmp", 0.9, x, y).
If x & gt=0 and y & gt=0.
Delay 300
Move to 443,446
Delay 500
Left click 1
Delay in 2000
Gosub detects and releases the project.
Delay 500
Gosub plan begins
Go back and check if there are any transactions.
Sub detects and releases items.
VBS i=0
VBS a = 0 : x = 5 1 : y = 264
VBS s=0
For 12
Rem began to detect and place objects.
If I & gt=6
Go to detection, and end the project placement.
IfColor x,y,80808,2
Delay in 2000
VBS i=i+ 1
Goto begins to detect and place items.
VBS x=x+34
VBS i=0
VBS a=a+ 1
If a=5
VBS x = 5 1 : y = 264+34
Rem detection of the end of goods placement.
Return detects and places the item.
Sub detects whether the transaction is terminated early.
IfColor 125, 144,896c6,2
IfColor 149, 14 1,896c6,2
Goto, the deal is not over yet.
Goto began to shout
Goto began to shout
Ray, the deal is not over yet.
Return detects whether the transaction was terminated prematurely.
Sub counts the number of items.
VBS i=0
Gosub detects whether the transaction is terminated prematurely.
For 17
VBS a = 0:x = 34:y = 247:bx = 294:by = 347
VBS s=0
Delay 100
When a = 0
//If the variable a is equal to 0, execute the following command circularly.
Delay 10
VBSCall findpic(x, y, bx, by, "... my photos" & tp (i) and amp".bmp ",0.9, x, y).
//area map search
If x & gt=0 and y & gt=0.
//Delay 1000
//move to x, y
//Delay 1000
//Move to 247,294
//Delay 3000
x = x + 34 : by = y + 34
//Add 1 to the left of the area. Here 34 refers to the width of the picture, which was changed by myself.
s = s + 1
//If the picture is found, add 1 to the quantity.
Rem line
Delay 10
VBSCall findpic(x, y, bx, by, "... my photo" & tp (i) and amp; ".bone morphogenetic protein", 0.9, linex, liney).
//This is to find again in the same line.
If linex & gt=0 and liney & gt=0
//Delay 1000
//MoveTo linex,liney
//Delay 1000
//Move to 247,294
//Delay 3000
x = linex + 34
//Add 1 to the left of the area.
s = s + 1
//quantity plus 1
Go to line
//Return to the same line and search again.
x = 34 : y = y + 34 : by = 347
//The left side is initially 0, and the top is added with 1 to initialize the bottom of the area.
//If no picture is found.
a = 1
//The variable A is 1 (exit the loop)
end time
Gosub calculates the price
//VBS call messagebox(" * * * Found " &; Standard & Poor's. "Ge"&; “TP(& amp; I&")"&"& pictures" & tp (i) and amp "")
VBS i=i+ 1
//popup results
Return calculates the number of items.
Sub-calculated price
//Calculate the price
If i=0
Day = "reduce the damage of low-level stones"
VBS jsjiage=(jsjg*s)
//VBS call messagebox(" Total " &; Jsjiage & "Ms.")
ElseIf i= 1
Day = "experience the low-level stone"
VBS jyjiage=jyjg*s
//VBS call messagebox(" Total " &; Jyjiage & "Ms.")
ElseIf i=2
Day = "low-level stone with fighting capacity"
VBS zdljiage=zdljg*s
//VBS call messagebox(" Total " &; Zdjiage & "Ms.")
ElseIf i=3
Day = "ghost"
VBS mhjiage=mhjg*s
//VBS call messagebox(" Total " &; Mhjiage & amp Ms. ")
ElseIf i=4
Rizhi= "magic "
VBS hmjiage=(hmjg*s)
//VBS call messagebox(" Total " &; Hmjiage & amp Ms. ")
ElseIf i=5
Day = "injury reduction intermediate stone"
VBS jszjiage=jszjg*s
ElseIf i=6
Day = "Experience Intermediate Stone"
VBS jyzjiage=jyzjg*s
ElseIf i=7
Japan = "stone with medium fighting capacity"
VBS zdlzjiage=zdlzjg*s
ElseIf i=8
Rizhi= "the heart of the devil's soul"
VBS mhzxjiage=mhzxjg*s
ElseIf i=9
Day = "The Machine"
VBS hmzxjiage=hmzxjg*s
ElseIf i= 10
Japanese rule = "soul"
VBS lhjiage=lhjg*s
//VBS call messagebox(" Total " &; Locke & "Lady")
ElseIf i= 1 1
Rizhi = type baby "
VBS· ojag =ojg*s
ElseIf i= 12
Rizhi= "Lone Star"
VBS gxjiage=gxjg*s
ElseIf i= 13
Rizhi= "Double Star"
VBS sxjiage=sxjg*s
ElseIf i= 14
Rizhi= "French pig"
VBS fzjiage=fzjg*s
ElseIf i= 15
Japanese rule = "war pig"
VBS zzjiage=zzjg*s
ElseIf i= 16
Log = "Sha Fei"
VBS cjqsjiage=cjqsjg*s
VBS Zongjiage =0
//VBS call messagebox(" Total " &; Zongjiage & "Lady")
VBS Zongjiage =0
Return calculates the price
Subinput price
Move to 200,410
Delay 1000
Gosub detects whether the transaction is terminated prematurely.
Left click 1
Delay 100
Gosub detects whether the transaction is terminated prematurely.
Left click 1
Delay 1000
SayString Zongjiage
Delay 1000
Rem input millisecond
Move to 263,415
Delay 1000
Gosub detects whether the transaction is terminated prematurely.
Left click 1
Delay 100
Gosub detects whether the transaction is terminated prematurely.
Left click 1
Delay 500
IfColor 263,4 15,8ccfde,2
Go to enter milliseconds.
Move to136,513.
Delay 500
Gosub detects whether the transaction is terminated prematurely.
Left click 1
Delay 300
Return to the input price
Waiting for sub-transaction
Rem waits for the transaction.
If jsq & gt=20
Move to 205,515
Delay 1000
Gosub detects whether the transaction is terminated prematurely.
Left click 1
Delay 300
Goto, the other side doesn't trade.
IfColor 233,494,a5f62,2
Delay 1000
jsq=jsq+ 1
Goto waits for the deal.
Rem, the other side doesn't trade.
Return transaction waiting