Changed hands: = V * 100/ capital;
Main force: = horse (changed hands, 4);
Big family: = horse (changed hands, 9);
Intermediate account: = Ma (changed hands,17);
Retail investors: = Ma (changed hands, 34);
Average amount: = (main force+large households+middle households+retail investors)/4;
Main force: (main force-average quantity) has color and no color;
Large quantity: (large quantity-average quantity) COLORMAGENTA, NODRAW
Number of families: (average number of families) yellow, no color;
Retail volume: (retail-average volume), NODRAW
Trading: bar line (main force > =0 and main force > =REF (main force, 1), 4.5, 4.5+ main force, 1, 0), colored;
Lighten positions: stick lines (main force >); =0 and main energy
Rebound: STICKLINE (main energy =REF (main energy, 1), 4.5, 4.5+ main energy, 1, 0), COLOR00CCCC.
Bottom-finding: Sticking line (main energy
Drawtext (islambar =1,if (main energy >; = 0,4.2,4.8),' institution'), COLORRED
Transaction 1: sticky line (large quantity >; =0 and large quantity > =REF (large quantity, 1), large quantity of 3,3+,1, 0), colored;
1: glue line (large quantity >; =0 and a large number
Rebound 1:STICKLINE (mass =REF (mass, 1), 3,3+mass, 1, 0), COLOR00CCCC.
Bottom 1: glue line (a lot
Drawtext (islambar =1,if (large quantity >; =0, 2.7, 3.3),' big family'), COLORMAGENTA
Trader 2: sticky line (number of households >); =0 and households > =REF (households, 1), 1.5, 1.5+ households, 1, 0), colored;
Lighten the warehouse 2: stick the line (middle customer quantity >; =0 and number of families
Rebound 2:STICKLINE (number of households =REF (number of households, 1), 1.5, 1.5+ number of households, 1, 0), COLOR00CCCC.
Find the bottom 2: Stick to the line (number of families
Drawtext(Islam bar = 1, if (number of families >; =0, 1.2, 1.8),' zhonghu'), COLORYELLOW
Trader 3: sticky line (retail volume >; =0 and retail > =REF (retail, 1), 0, retail, 1, 0), colored;
Lighten the warehouse 3: stick the line (retail volume >; =0 and retail amount
Rebound 3:STICKLINE (retail volume =REF (retail volume, 1), 0, retail volume, 1, 0), COLOR00CCCC.
Bottom Line Discovery 3: Hook Line (Retail Amount
Drawtext(Islam bar = 1, if (retail volume >; =0, -0.3, 0.3),' retail'), COLORGREEN
Red buy: Ma (c, 3), colored, no draw;
Green sale: Ma (c, 3), Cailv, Nuozhuo;
Yellow rebound: MA(C, 3), COLORYELLOW, NODRAW.
Lansuo: Ma (c, 3), COLORFF9900, NODRAW.
The average volume is 5:MA (volume, 5)/50000, the color is magenta, and the line thickness is1;
The average volume is 20:MA (volume, 20)/50000, the color is 00ffff, and the line thickness is1;
The average turnover is 120: Ma (turnover, 120)/50000, color 00cc20, line thickness1;
B:=ZIG(3,50/5)* 1;
D:=CROSS(B,G)* 10;
W:=CROSS(G,B)* 10;