Exchange Name Commodity Financial Information Code Monthly Remarks
Dalian soybean s * * 01305070911commodity code indicates even-numbered contracts, such as contracts in 2000 and 2002; Commodity codes containing English letters represent odd contracts, such as 200 1 and 2003 contracts.
Soybean meal m * * 0 1 03 05 07 09 1
Soybean A * * 0 1 03 05 07 09 1
0F 0H 0K 0N 0U 0X
Shanghai copper CU** 0 1 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 1 1 12
Aluminum alloy ** 0 1 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 1 1 12
RubberNo. ** 0 1 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 1 1 12
Fuel 3*FU 0 1 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 1 1 12
Zhengzhou durum winter wheat AA * * 0 1 030507 09 1
0F 0H 0K 0N 0U 0X
Strong gluten wheat WS * * 0 1 030507 09 1
0F 0H 0K 0N 0U 0X
Cotton CF 2*CF 0 1 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 0A 0B 0C
Cotton CS 2*CS 0 1 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 0A 0B 0C
Commodity code table of international futures exchange
international market
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) spot foreign exchange market
Oat OTC_ corn CRC_ # Euro EC $ Euro EU
Wheat WHC soybean SBC euro yen euro pound
Soybean powder SMC_ soybean oil SOC_ euro Swiss franc EUCF $ yen JY
Ten-debt TTC_ five-debt TFC_ # Yen YN Yen Pound
TWC interest rate yen Swiss franc yen euro yen
City bond MUC_ bond Ch TBC_ yen Swiss franc YNCF yen GBP YNBP
Bond US TBR_ Dow Jones Av DJN_ $ GBP # GBP UK
Dow Jones USA DJR Pound Swiss Franc BPCF Pound Euro BPEU
Chicago Mercantile Exchange pound yen yen pound Swiss franc
Nihon Keizai Shimbun Chnic _ Technologych $ CHF # CHF SF CHF Yen CFJY
Technology American NQR_ technology NQE_ Swiss franc pound CFBP Swiss franc euro CFEU
Swiss franc pound SFBP Swiss franc yen SFJY
Discount Ch EMC_ live cattle LCC_ gold NT # NT
Cattle FCC_ pork brisket PBC_ yen NTD pound
Pig HGC_ wood LBC_ Swiss franc NT SFNT # legal tender FF
Standard & Poor's. P500 SPC _ S & ampP _ USSR _ # Canadian CD # Billy BF
Spes SPE_ franc Ch FRC_ # western currency SP # Danish krone
Euro Ch ECC_ Euro Us ECR_ # Netherlands DF # Sweden SK
Yen Ch YNC Yen US YNR_ # Norway NK # Australia AS
Pound UKC Pound US Dollar Ukrainian lira HKD Hong Kong Dollar
Swiss franc Swiss franc US franc Australian dollar
Canada Ch CDC_ Australia Ch AOC_ # Star SD # Malaysia MR
The New York Mercantile Exchange (COMEX) # Thai baht TB # Indonesian ID
London petroleum exchange
Pure copper CHC_ silver SLN_ oil distribution oil _ oil production PTL_
Gold GLN_ Dissel Gul _
New york Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange (CSCE) London Futures Exchange (LCE)
Coffee CFN_ cocoa CCN_ cocoa CCL_ coffee CFL_
Sugar 1 1 SGN_ sugar 14 SFN_ white sugar SWL_
American Foreign Exchange Credit Exchange (FINEX) London Futures Foreign Exchange Exchange Exchange (LIFFE)
American refers to DXN_ London INL_ German debt GBL_
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKFE) Debt IBL_ UK Debt GTL_
Hang Seng HSK_ GBP Short-term Bond _ Euro EDL_
Tokyo industrial exchange spot index market
Weighted share price TWSI Taiwan stock index taxi rubber RBT_ gold GLT_
Weighted index FITI electronic index FETI platinum PLT_ palladium PAT_
Financial index FFTI Nikkei index Nishi silver SLT_ high aluminum ALT_
Topix index PITI Hang Seng index HSKI Tokyo Stock Exchange
London Index FTLI Zheng Dongkeng, MCAI of Paris Securities Company _
Frankfurt Daxi S&; New york Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Dollar index DINI CRB_ index CRNI
Synthesis of new york CIN_ by NASDAQ NSDI Baltic BFLI
Science and technology index NQCI Russell 2000 RTNI Singapore international financial exchange
Main market MMCI # daoqiong INDI
Dow Jones Industrial DJII II Dow Jones Public UTLI Nikkei Index
Dow Jones transportation TRAI Dow Jones comprehensive COMI station refers to Sp tax _ station refers to At TAC_
Dow Jones Average Yen S3 Axe Euro S3 EDX
London metal exchange (LME) crude oil Si COX_
London Copper LCP_ London Nickel LNK_ Taiwan Province Futures Exchange (TAIMEX)
London zinc LZN_ London lead LLD_ weighted Tw fitting _ electronic Tw
London aluminum LAL_ London tin LTN_ financial Tw FFT_
Mixed aluminum LAA_ # London copper CPRC Tokyo Grain Exchange (TGE)
# London Nickel NKRC # London Zinc ZHRC Coffee ACAT _ Coffee RCR CCT _
# London lead LDRC # London aluminum ALRC coarse sugar SUT_ Tokyo coarse sugar SUTI
# London Tin TNRC # Mixed Aluminum AARC American Bean SBT_ Imported American Bean SBTI
London zinc LZN_ London lead LLD_ raw silk SKT_ Yokohama raw silk SKTI
London aluminum LAL_ London tin LTN_ dried cocoon CNT_ front axle dried cocoon CNTI
Spot Metal Market (MTLS) Red Bean RDT_ Tokyo Red Bean RDTI
# Gold AU # Silver AG Corn Bed COT Tokyo Corn
# platinum PT # PAlladium pa beauty beans Jp SBJ_ corn Jp COJ_
# Hong Kong Gold GT Raw Sugar Jp SUJ_
New york Cotton Exchange (NYCE) New York Futures Exchange (NYFE)
Cotton CTN_ orange juice OJN_ CRB CRN_
The New York Mercantile Exchange
Platinum PLN_ palladium disk _
Crude oil CON_ gasoline gun _
NGN gas company
Propane PGN_