COMEX's gold futures trading market is the largest in the world, and its gold trading can often dominate the trend of global gold prices. Futures and options are the main trading methods, and the actual physical delivery of gold accounts for a small proportion. Large hedge funds and institutional investors are the main participants in COMEX gold trading, and their trading has a great trading power on the gold market; The huge trading volume has attracted many speculators to join, and the whole gold futures trading market has high market liquidity.
The color standard of gold harvest is the same as that of London. COMEX's gold trading only had open bidding in the early days. Later, although the electronic trading system was introduced, COMEX did not cancel the open bidding, but mixed the two modes. In the early days of the market, open outcry was adopted, and then relayed by electronic trading system. Together, the participants can trade in COMEX for almost 24 hours.