Trading rules
1. London gold is priced in US dollars and measured in British ounces. Gold quotation is subject to Dow Jones international quotation, mainly based on the spot gold price in London market. One ounce is equal to 31.1035g. The daily trading price is the price of USD/oz of gold on that day. For example, the market marked the figure of 632.03/, which was $632.03 per ounce of gold.
2. The minimum trading volume of local Loco-London gold is one hand/single/single. One hand is equal to 100 ounce. It is equal to about 3. 1035 kg of gold.
3. Margin trading. You only need to pay a small amount of margin, and the enlarged amount can be traded. The amount of funds is about 100 times.
4. Trading on the same day. You can trade on the day you open an account, and you can trade many times, T+0.
5. It can trade in both directions. You can buy up or down. You can buy it or sell it first. Therefore, no matter how the price of gold moves, investors always have room for profit.
6. Instant buying and selling. As long as the price is in the market, the transaction can be completed immediately. There is no question of someone taking orders. Don't worry about not buying it, and don't worry about not selling it.